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The first day of Ramadan was like that



Hello, friends. How is everyone Hope everybody is well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today is our first Ramadan. Alhamdulillah the day was good. Today's sky was a little more beautiful to me than any other day.


Maybe today is the first Ramadan so for Allah's mercy the day was beautiful. The sky was very clear. And a lot of beautiful wind was blowing. Today is our first Ramadan and Bengali New Year. Which we call Pahela Boishakh. It usually rains a lot on this day. But not now. Everything is God's will.


Today, as the first Ramadan, my husband gives me two gifts. I like to eat lots of chocolate. So she brings chocolate for me. Which makes me much happier.


I like to deposit new (dollar) / (rupee) money along with chocolate. I like to take care of new notes. So he gifted me some new notes along with chocolates. Which makes me much happier.


Besides, he spends the day doing good deeds through small activities and worship. OK friends, everyone will be fine and safe. Thanks everyone.

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