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Sexual Immorality...

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 

In this passage Paul urges the Thessalonians to avoid sexual immorality by practicing self-discipline and by recognizing that God calls believers to lead a pure life and judge those who engage in sexual immorality.  

Paul exhorts the believers to practice brotherly love, to live a peaceful life, to mind their own business and to work in order to provide for their needs instead of defending on others for assistance. 

By working hard the Thessalonians would maintain a good testimony. 

Living a good example is an evidence to the non-believers, and a power of Christ in a person's life. 

This, in turn, opens the doors for those people to hear and accept the gospel themselves.

In verse 7 to 8 "for God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.

"Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject human being but God, this very God, who gives his Holy Spirit." 



We are called to walk in holiness becoming sanctified and be more like Jesus day by day.


May the Lord Blesses you!


Your Brother in Christ,


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