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Improvised yucca pizza

Hello friends. Last night was a night of craving at home. My wife and daughter were looking forward to having yucca cheese pizza for dinner, something I do from time to time for a change. But this time, there was a little problem, we had no ketchup or mustard. So I had to improvise, and since I always have frozen yucca in the fridge, I decided to take a chance.

  • 2 and a half pounds of yucca (ground)
  • 2 small onions
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 1 small spoonful of salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of oil
  • 1 pound of ground cheese
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I ground the yucca and added the two onions and the ground garlic. While stirring, I added the salt little by little to make sure it was evenly distributed. Finally, I added the egg and diluted it to obtain the right dough. All that was missing was a little oil to keep the pizza from getting too stiff or sticking to the pan.

With this dough, I could make at least one pizza for each of us. But to complete it, we needed the sauce. I opted to make homemade ketchup, or at least try to, since I had made it only once before and that was a long time ago. I was going to take a chance, what could happen?

Improvised sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 80 grams of tomato puree
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar

Molí la yuca y le agregué las dos cebollas y los ajos molidos. Mientras revolvía, añadía la sal poco a poco para asegurarme de que se distribuyera de forma uniforme. Finalmente, agregué el huevo y lo diluí para obtener la masa correcta. Solo faltaba un poco de aceite para evitar que la pizza quedara demasiado rígida o se pegara al sartén.

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I mixed the sugar in the pan, when it was melting I added the garlic powder and then the puree. I stirred with a spoon to help the sugar melt completely. When it started to boil, I added the vinegar and, in about 15 seconds, it was ready. To my surprise, it wasn't too bad, it was easy to eat.


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With my homemade ketchup, it was time to cook the dough. I dilute the oil all around the pan. I add some dough, shape it and made it as thin as possible so it would cook well. The first side took about 7 minutes, and when I flipped it, I had to hurry to add the cheese so it would melt in only 3 minutes. After that, all that was left was to add the ketchup to taste.


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Despite being something simple and perhaps not so glamorous, we love it. My daughter really enjoys this pizza. Also, we had some leftover pork from the day before, so we added a few pieces to mine and my wife's pizza. My little girl wanted something different, she asked for a boiled egg. Well, of course I obliged.

The improvisation was a success. The yucca pizza with cheese and homemade ketchup turned out delicious. Although it didn't have the touch I would have liked, the satisfaction of having created something unique and delicious at home made the dinner even more special. Besides being simple to make, we really enjoyed it. Try this recipe and see how you like it, and if you have an oven at home, let me know how it turned out.

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