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Microsoft presented a platform for human interaction in augmented or virtual reality Mesh. The company showed the new product at the Ignite conference!



Microsoft presented a platform for human interaction in augmented or virtual reality Mesh. The company showed the new product at the Ignite conference.

The platform will allow users to create virtual avatars, and over time - to use photorealistic holograms, the company expects. Being far from each other colleagues with the help of Mesh will be able to hold meetings in a virtual reality, and designers or engineers will be able to work together in a virtual space over 3D models of anything - from bicycles to the elite furniture, aircraft engines or new sports stadiums ", noted in Microsoft.

In addition, the virtual platform can be used for training: with its help students will learn about electric cars or human anatomy, in the form of avatars taking apart a virtual engine or learning what is under the virtual muscles.

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