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Understanding what Ethereum virtual machine means and it impact to the Ethereum blockchain


If you are that type that loves to investigate or carries more research you will discover that for every system to scale, there must be something known to be a foundation pioneering it. Let us take your house as a popular example. You knows that you can't build a house without the foundation in place. The moment the foundation is in place all other things can now be assembled in such building. Without the above in place your house will crumble to pieces. Relating this to business we all knows that before you need to start up your business there is what we called capital and that capital must be in place before you can boast of such business. What this capital does is to ensure that your business is run properly. It will aid to push your business to a promising headlight or height if you knows what you are doing in the business angle. Without capital, forget the business, it will never come into limelight. That is the main reason why I said that it is the foundation for every business out there. A wise business man or woman, after using his capital widely will set it aside and use it to combat challenges during the rainy days. This is why when you see a business man who knows what he is doing in the business ecosystem, you will see such person doing well when they are hit by challenges, you will see them falling back to their capital, they will use this to bounce back into their business. Many businesses men/women struggling with their business today are struggling simply because they mismanage their business capital.

The reason why I am saying all this is to ensure that we understand what Ethereum Virtual machine is when you are talking about the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large. If you have been following up with what has been happening in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the blockchain at large you will see and discovered that all blockchain has their foundation and it is that foundation that all other cryptocurrency protocols under that cryptocurrency project are building. I want to make sure that we all understand what this great topic means and also how other blockchain have their foundation also. Many that will come across this post will be glad they did as I am happy using this to educate us.

As for your information, since the great Nakamoto Satoshi created into existence, the Ethereum ecosystem has been what has catapult and impacted the cryptocurrency ecosystem in the rightful way and directions. Many cryptocurrency project out there wants to be founded under them. From research I discovered that it was Gath a cofounder of the Ethereum ecosystem that created the Ethereum Virtual machine.

Understanding what Ethereum Virtual machine

As for your information, the word EVM stands for Ethereum Virtual machine and it was created by Geth, a co-founder of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum virtual Machine is the foundation where other protocols in the Ethereum blockchain are found scaling or can scale properly. Explaining further we can see that the Ethereum virtual machine for the Ethereum blockchain has helped to manage the state of the blockchain and enables smart contract functionality to run properly. Since it is the basis and foundation on which Ethereum blockchain project are scaling, it needs to be treated specially. One thing that I will let you know is that the Ethereum virtual machine code is designed just for the Ethereum blockchain, but since it is open source people, developers and project owners can easily fork it.

importance of Ethereum Virtual machine in the Ethereum cryptocurrency ecosystem 

As for your information you should knows that without the Ethereum virtual machine in the Ethereum blockchain you will not be able to do anything in the Ethereum blockchain, this is to show to you that the Ethereum virtual machine is very important when you talk and discus about the Ethereum blockchain at large. Before I end this post I will say that the Ethereum virtual machine is the core reason why the Ethereum blockchain is alive today. The reason why the Ethereum blockchain is scaling today holds big applaud to the foundation which is the Ethereum virtual machine. The programmers or developers in the cryptocurrency ecosystem knows more about how important the Ethereum virtual machine is to the Ethereum blockchain and also, we can see that other blockchain has copied this concept simply because they knows that the Ethereum virtual machine has done amazingly well since it introduction.

I will end the post here, have a nice day


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