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Cryptography tracks the original manuscript


#### Dear all Get to know kriptography more closely, because it was used in his time. Cryptography is the science of encryption techniques in which "original manuscripts" (plaintext) are encrypted using an encryption key to be "unreadable random text" (ciphertext) by someone who does not have a decryption key. Decryption using the decryption key can retrieve the original data. The probability of recovering the original script by someone who does not have a decryption key in the not too distant future is very small. The encryption technique used in classical cryptography is symmetric encryption where the decryption key is the same as the encryption key. For public key cryptography, an asymmetric encryption technique is needed where the decryption key is not the same as the encryption key. Encryption, decryption and key generation for asymmetric encryption techniques require more intensive computing than symmetric encryption, because asymmetric encryption uses very large numbers. (Kromodimoeljo, 2010). #### Aspects of Cryptography Security Cryptography has several security aspects including: Confidentiality ensures that these data can only be accessed by certain parties. Confidentiality aims to protect information from all parties who are not entitled to the information. Authentication, is an identification carried out by each party that communicates with each other, meaning that some parties who communicate must identify each other. Information obtained by a party from another party must be identified to ensure the authenticity of the information received. Integrity, ensuring that every message sent must arrive at the recipient without any part of the message being replaced, duplicated, corrupted, changed in order, and added. Data integrity aims to prevent information changes by parties who are not entitled to the information. To ensure the integrity of this data users must have the ability to detect data manipulation by unauthorized parties. Data manipulation referred to here includes insertion, deletion, or replacement of data. Nonrepudiation, prevents senders and recipients from denying that they have sent or received a message. If a message is sent, the recipient can prove that the message was indeed sent by the sender listed. Conversely, if a message is received, the sender can prove that the message was received by the intended party. (Ariyus, 2008). #### HISTORY OF CRYPTOGRAPHY The word cryptography comes from Greek, "kryptós" which means hidden and "gráphein" which means writing. Cryptography has been used by Julius Caesar since Ancient Roman times. This technique was dubbed the Caesar cipher to send messages in secret, although the technique used was very inadequate for the current size. Casanova used knowledge about cryptography to trick Madame d'Urfe (he told Madame d'Urfe that a genie told Madame d'Urfe the secret key to him, even though he managed to break the secret key based on his knowledge of cryptography), so he could control Madame's life d'Urfe in total. (Kromodimoeljo, 2010). Cryptography is also used by the Spartans through a message-making tool called Scytale. Scytale is a device that has a long band of papyrus leaves and is added with a cylinder. At first the sender wrote down the message on the papyrus ribbon rolled on a cylinder, after which the tape was released and sent. Cylindrical rods that are thick enough can be written in 6 letters and can contain 3 letters in a circle. (Ariyus, 2008) __ ___ @sunbahri
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