Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

Why Serey Coin Lacks Value


Hello all Sereyans across the globe. Serey is a superb site and I love being here.

Serey is listed in STEX exchange and it can be bought and sold there. I also love STEX because it is quite easy to use and navigate.

Serey coin has dropped in value so much that selling and buying it has stagnated. In STEX the price dangles between 0.00000001 and 0.00000004 BTC. This is quite low. It also takes quite a long time before any trade is closed. Why?

  • There more sellers than buyers. For trade to take place, there must be willing sellers and buyers. This Lacks with serey
  • Demand and supply. Actually there seems not to be demand for Serey. We should answer questions like, why one should have Serey, can you buy it cheaply and sell it highly etc. If such questions are answered then people will see the need to have Serey and demand it. There seems to be plenty of supply and no demand.
  • Serey should be listed in more Dex companies. 
660.791 SRY$0.00
