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This time our garden has a good amount of litchi...


We have a small litchi garden. Alhamdulillah a few trees have litchi. Although the trees are not very large in size. However, a good amount of litchi trees every year. Which we eat ourselves, distribute among neighbors and relatives. Excess litchi is sold in the market.

Me and my father regularly care for these trees. I occasionally irrigate the trees. At the same time, the trees have to be cleaned regularly so that there is no infection in the trees. I occasionally apply moderate amounts of pesticides on litchi plants and litchi so that the plants do not kill the insects in the litchis. And also give regular fertilizer at the base of the tree. Even after that a good amount of litchi is wasted due to negligence.

My grandfather made this garden when I was young, it will take approximately 17 to 18 years to make the garden ... I tended the trees as a child with my siblings. In the beginning, there was less litchi in the trees but now that the trees have turned, we get a good amount of litchi from the trees.

We took the initiative to create another litchi garden 5 years ago. So we planted a lot of litchi trees next to the previous garden, which was an extension of the previous garden. But last year's floodwaters caused waterlogging, and litchi trees are now dying. It is very sad for us because so many trees have died together.


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