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Enjoying the beautiful scenery in the paddy field in the morning and busy in my shopping mall.


I came to a clothing wholesale market today. Here to buy several dresses. With my brother I came and saw that many maximum shops are closed. The goods are just being unloaded from the car. These goods come here mainly from different garments. Later retailers buy the goods from here. Poradaha, Kushtia is located in this place. When it is time for my work in Parvati, I leave that place and come to the market again. This market is popular with many people around.

I was annoyed because of the long wait. That's why I went to visit a huge field next to it. Vast empty field. Dirt road in the middle. This field is a huge paddy field. The paddy has been cut. Later the lower part of the paddy is in the land. Paddy is still being harvested in many places. You see the rice is being taken in a vehicle. Now basically the harvest season. The sweet sunshine of the morning has given the field a wonderful beauty. I waited here for quite a while and enjoyed the beauty. When it is time for my work in Parvati, I leave that place and come to the market again ...

After waiting for a few hours, we finally finished our work and started our journey to home. The beginning of the day really started with my busyness and it was also exciting.



577.593 SRY$0.00
