Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

Open shop or close


Not a single shop is open in Thejwal. 
It has been quiet for a long time. 
Raisima's shop is also not supposed to be open. 
It's good that you don't have to carry the bike in this water and mud. 
It must be locked inside. 
Accompanying is PC, Pistut's sister Suki. 
It will be difficult to move along the hilly roads full of mud without light. 
Cyan is very worried. 
Even if there is light, you have to be careful with them. 
Cyan will cry a lot on the road! 
Did you bring the light? 
Yes, I brought the PC, but Raisima has closed the shop. 
I thought I could get back soon, but I didn't think we would be so late. 
So now? 
How to walk in the dark without this light? 
Don't worry PC, an arrangement will be made. 
You sit here for a while, I am arranging the light. 
Even though the market goes to sleep by 9:30 pm, people sleep very late. 
Calling a shopkeeper, Sian returned with a light. 
The mud reached the dam, but there was no way out. 
Everyone has to go through this mud. 
Let's go PC now, let's go. 
Everyone is walking very cautiously, occasionally turning their heads from side to side to take a look. 
How terrifying and dangerous this path has become these days is well ingrained in the minds of the three men. 
Cyan's PC also heard that a girl's body was found in Nageshwar's garden here. 
And that's terrible

87.520 SRY$0.00
