Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

White trouble


Life is like
Like a toy car with one key!
Just go,

One time-
Uncharged, stops; some short-term dreams;
Leave it behind.

Not found-
Account, never match, never match;
Let's fly!

Youth -
The celestial mind, once all gone
Looted on the ground.

In self-defense
Dedicates himself to the ground, to destiny,

Normal -
Rich- poor, wealth of the last days of life;
Go to the abyss!

If he is entitled, he has to give in to hardship;
At every rate.

That's why-
To the tune of Helal Hafeez,
Scarlet fever, scarlet fever, scarlet fever,
The white trouble of the green grass crushed by the stone,
Black trouble in the light,
Malti has trouble coloring,
Take the trouble!

Lifetime -
All the hard-earned happiness,
At the end of life, everything is random,
Timeless mess,
Defeat along! Oops!
My white trouble !!

4186.770 SRY$0.00
