Good thinking will be good, bad thinking will be bad. You become the set that you think about all day.
The brain is your most valuable asset. Because it is always your family. But its wonderful power will only come to you when you know how to use it. You know that your brain has two levels - conscious or logical level and subconscious or irrational level! Judge with your own conscious mind. This habitual judgment leaves your subconscious mind. This is what works to create a situation similar to the nature of your judgment. Your subconscious mind is the creative place of your thoughts. If you think globally you will get good results and if you think bad you will get bad results. This is how your brain works.
You should always keep this in mind - once the subconscious mind accepts a judgment, it immediately starts working on it. The point to understand here is that the rules of the subconscious mind work equally well on the two types of judgments, good and evil. Negative application of this rule leads to failure, frustration and sadness. And if it is applied in a positive way, it is also good-natured and creative. Ideal health, success and prosperity are achieved through this type of thinking. When you think properly, you get peace of mind and a healthy body.
Your subconscious mind will accept what you thought was true and make it come true. Busy! Waiting for your subconscious mind to accept all these thoughts once and for all. Then the rules of your subconscious mind will begin to provide health, peace, and prosperity to your mind. As soon as you give the order, you will start working with full devotion to make the ideological impression left on your subconscious mind. The rules of the brain are determined by the nature of the subconscious mind's response to conscious remembering judgment.
Psychologists say that once judgment reaches your subconscious mind, it impresses on the brain cells. Once the subconscious mind accepts a judgment, it sets out to make it a reality.
Working in partnership with the judiciary, it applies to each of the parts you have put together throughout your life to make your goal a reality. It applies your infinite energy, energy and intelligence. Many times it takes a lot or a lot of time to find the solution to your problem immediately. It is really difficult to understand the method.
Areas of conscious and subconscious:
Conscious and subconscious - these are not two separate brains, but two areas of activity that are going to be the same brain. Your conscious mind is in the same brain. It is the part of the brain that chooses the alternative. For example, you choose your own book, your own home, your own spouse. You make all your own decisions with your own conscious mind. On the other hand, without your conscious control, your heart works on its own and the inevitable processes of digestion, blood circulation and respiration continue. All these things make your subconscious mind. You don't need conscious control for all these processes.
Your subconscious mind acknowledges the impression you leave on your subconscious mind or whatever you believe in. It does not argue with your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind is like the soil that accepts any kind of seed, whether that seed is good or bad! Your judgment is active. That is the seed! Negative or destructive judgment acts negatively on the subconscious mind of the offender. One day or another it will become clear and it will produce a negative event similar to its own.
The point to note here is that your subconscious mind never tries to prove whether your judgment is good or bad! It simply responds similarly to the nature of your judgment or advice. For example, if you consciously accept any falsehood as true; Then your subconscious mind will accept it as true and will have to give the same result - because you accepted it as consciously true.
Psychological application:
Psychologists have applied it to a number of people. Their research shows that the subconscious mind does not make selections or comparisons that are essential to the logical process. Whatever advice your subconscious mind accepts is completely false. After accepting the advice, it will respond according to its nature.
Let's look at an example to understand just how much your subconscious mind is consultative. If a hypnotherapist advises a person that he is a Napoleon Bonaparte or a dog or a cat - then that person will have to play that role in full depth. His whole personality will change for a while. That person will accept that for himself. Such advice is given by hypnosis experts.
A skilled hypnotist can advise one of his students to scratch his back, and another student to suggest that he is bleeding from his nose. He can suggest to the third student that he is a statue made of marble and he can suggest to the fourth student that the temperature has dropped below zero and he has frozen like ice. Each student will have to do similar to the special advice given to him. They will continue to ignore situations that would not be similar to that hypnotic advice.
This example underlines the difference between your conscious mind or logical brain and your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is emotional and has no choice. It accepts everything that your conscious mind believes to be true. That is why it is so important that you choose judgments and statements that will bring you happiness, heal you, and fill your soul with joy.
Realistic and imaginative explanations:
The subconscious mind is also called the realistic mind in many cases, because it is related to external objects. The realistic mind becomes aware of the outside world. The means of observing it are the five physical senses. The realistic mind is also a guide and instructor in communicating with the environment. Gains knowledge through all these five senses. The realistic mind learns from observation, experience and learning because the greatest work of the realistic mind is to argue.
Let's assume that you are one of the tens of millions of tourists who visit Grand Kenya every year. You will come to the conclusion that this is one of the strangest natural wonders in the world! Because your observation will be based on the unforgettable depths of today, the intricate shapes of the stones, the strange painters of color in different places. And this is also the work of your realistic mind.
The subconscious mind is almost always called the imaginative mind. Your imaginative mind is aware of its own environment, but not through the physical senses. Your subconscious mind perceives by inner knowledge.
Because it contains a wealth of thoughts and memories. The imaginative mind does its highest work when the realistic senses do not do their own work. That is, when the realistic mind is relaxed, the imaginative intellect works best.
The imaginative mind sees without the senses of the eye. It is a kind of transcendental power, which can feel all the events associated with you. The imaginative mind can travel to distant lands and often obtain highly accurate and truthful information. With an imaginative mind you can learn about other people's judgments, you can also know what is written in a closed envelope letter. Once you know the interaction of the realistic and imaginative minds, you will be in a better position to learn the true art of prayer.
Let's look at an example to understand just how much your subconscious mind is consultative. If a hypnotherapist advises a person that he is a Napoleon Bonaparte or a dog or a cat - then that person will have to play that role in full depth. His whole personality will change for a while. That person will accept that for himself. Such advice is given by hypnosis experts.
A skilled hypnotist can advise one of his students to scratch his back, and another student to suggest that he is bleeding from his nose. He can suggest to the third student that he is a statue made of marble and he can suggest to the fourth student that the temperature has dropped below zero and he has frozen like ice. Each student will have to do similar to the special advice given to him. They will continue to ignore situations that would not be similar to that hypnotic advice.
This example underlines the difference between your conscious mind or logical brain and your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is emotional and has no choice. It accepts everything that your conscious mind believes to be true. That is why it is so important that you choose judgments and statements that will bring you happiness, heal you, and fill your soul with joy.
Realistic and imaginative explanations:
The subconscious mind is also called the realistic mind in many cases, because it is related to external objects. The realistic mind becomes aware of the outside world. The means of observing it are the five physical senses. The realistic mind is also a guide and instructor in communicating with the environment. Gains knowledge through all these five senses. The realistic mind learns from observation, experience and learning because the greatest work of the realistic mind is to argue.
Let's assume that you are one of the tens of millions of tourists who visit Grand Kenya every year. You will come to the conclusion that this is one of the strangest natural wonders in the world! Because your observation will be based on the unforgettable depths of today, the intricate shapes of the stones, the strange painters of color in different places. And this is also the work of your realistic mind.
The unconscious mind is often confused mind. Your unconscious mind is aware of its own environment, but not through the physical senses. Your subconscious mind perceives by inner knowledge.
Because it contains a wealth of thoughts and memories. The imaginative mind does its highest work when the realistic senses do not do their own work. That is, when the realistic mind is relaxed, the imaginative intellect works best.
The imaginative mind sees without the senses of the eye. It is a kind of transcendental power, which can feel all the events associated with you. The imaginative mind can travel to distant lands and often obtain highly accurate and truthful information. With an imaginative mind you can learn about other people's judgments, you can also know what is written in a closed envelope letter. Once you know the interaction of the realistic and imaginative minds, you will be in a better position to learn the true art of prayer.