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Leopard roars in the zoo

Hello friends, how are you all, I hope you are very well and healthy. Today again with a beautiful block. In today's blog I have collected some pictures from my visit to Malaysia Zoo. I am trying to share them with you today in a beautiful way. In the past I have shared with you various scenes from the zoo. Today I am sharing with you there. I am trying to share the scene of a leopard which is much scarier and a lot more frightening to see in this beautiful blog today.





This cheetah can make so much noise while confined inside the cage. Which I can't even imagine in my mind. Because normally I have never seen this puck in person but when I saw him inside the zoo he scared me beyond words but I was so scared of freedom I never saw him so today when I saw him like this I felt so much myself. The pain is so frightening that it is beyond words




Every creature is much more powerful to the Creator. God has created everything in the world so beautifully but I have never seen a cheetah tiger can be so fierce. I usually go to zoos when I was a child but this is the first time in Malaysia to see these animals so close. It's a matter of luck. Not many people but when we saw these animals we felt a little better because we feel better when we get to know unknown animals through zoos.



So far today everyone stay well stay healthy let me know how you like this block of mine I have tried to make it beautifully from the blocks beautiful among the different posh birds in this zoo today I have shared with you this amazing cheetah scene which I like a lot Feels better


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