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How much hard it is to predict score of a football match...???



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It is very hard to predict the result of a football match. Anything can happen at any time. In a football match there fights eleven players against opposite team's eleven players. So there are a balance of man power between two team. There are many sports where two team consists of equal man power. But when to play, there are all members are on field of a team when the member of others team play once after once against opposition team . So on the field there are an unbalanced stage when to play. But for football, all members of the two team play at the same time on the field. So there are no unbalanced man power situation when playing.


There are many tactics on playground in football controlled by the manager/coach. A potential coach can beat a strong team by his tactics with medium quality players. Again if you give a small opportunity to opposition team by mistake, they make you concede a goal. So it is very hard to predict what will be in a football match.

As i am a football lover, I enjoy football for a long time. I started to enjoy it while i am only 10. In these years, I have seen many ups and downs of football, football teams(country team and club), players etc. In many football matches i have seen some imppossible moment that none can believe. But in the end of a day, it happened. So it is my opinion, you can't surely predict the score of a football match. It is only imagination by analysis. 

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