Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

serey-saiyan, the curator warrior!
Hey you on Serey! They call me the serey-saiyan. The Serey founders have created me to scourge the Serey planet for good content. My creators have also given me superpowers so that I can “Kamehameha (upvote)” good posts. My superpower is very big. I have 50,000 Serey Power. When I like your post and I “Kamehameha” it, you are rewarded with more Serey Power. Doing so, the founders hope to make Serey a place where people can come to Serey and benefit of high quality information. So here I am, looking around for good articles. If you want to get a “Kamehameha” and to earn SRY rewards you should listen to me and write content that I like. I think these few things make content really good. 1. When people write about personal stuff. Like when people tell about their travels, their experience, their interest or any interesting thoughts. 2. When people give their opinions about events. Like a concert they visited yesterday or a news article they disagree with. 3. When people write about topics where they have expertise on. Like an economics teacher analyzing economic trends and events. 4. I like to see self-made pictures and vides with good text description.
0.000 SRY$0.00
