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My photography at the restaurant and two flower photography.


Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are very well by the mercy of Allah Taala, I am also very well and healthy, Alhamdulillah by the mercy of Allah Taala. Today I will share with you my photography and two flower photography, I hope you will like the photography very much. First of all I want to tell you that the photography I took was in the restaurant. This photograph was taken when I went to a restaurant with my friends, meaning my friend lifted me up. This photo was sent to me by my friend.

And I have also presented to you two photographs of flowers. So, friends, let me know how the flower photography went. Flowers are very dear to us especially I like flowers very much, I often share flower photography and I like flower photography very much. I often take a lot of flower photography and share the photography that I like with you. So as of today, this is over here, everyone will be fine, God bless you.

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