Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

Introducing myself to serey


Hello Friends


My name is Sandali, something like "sea and sky" (a meaning in favor of my luck that I try to honor). I currently live in El Salvador and this month I turned 26, and I feel enormous peace. In 2020, when everything began to get complicated worldwide, I was terrified, my profession and work experience had led me to work mainly far from the city as a biologist.


With the pandemic, all the projects in which I was participating and had work projection, stopped. After a while of giving homework to my options and possibilities, I contemplated starting a blog, teaching and talking a little about my experience as a biologist the last 5 years in El Salvador (it should be noted that I had a rather murky and dangerous period in the country). In this time I learned that before making major changes in ecosystems, Responsible Environmental Education is essential and improve the methodology as educators. In this process of trying to share knowledge differently, I realized that I lacked the social tools needed to communicate effectively through a personal, virtual environment (achieving the impact we want on others requires monumental work). What I wanted most (in addition to generating a source of income), was (still) to be able to connect with the emotional part of people and to be able to transmit in ideas and feelings the true importance of the conservation of ecosystems for our own survival (especially the Mangroves, which is the place that changed my life and gave me a purpose and mission in life, but maybe I'll tell it later.)



With the vaccines the measures began to diminish and I continued working. Although at that time the first attempt to share knowledge through the network was not very successful, I continued to mature the idea.
At this stage too, I began to question most of the knowledge I already took for granted, and I began to become more interested in history, economics, and technology. Reevaluated these issues it is inevitable not to get excited about the possibilities offered by blockchain technology, web 3, the industrial revolution 4.0, AI, metaverse, etc. Here, an insasiable hunger for knowledge began to bubble up in me again, a feeling I had forgotten since I stopped studying fish in college. Likewise, I was even more frightened than in quarantine. I realized that I had to change, not only what I was doing, but how and in the process myself, if I really expected to reach 40 and even more, have a dignified old age.



The anxiety about the future, the ever-love of biology, and the new and growing love of technology has made me noise in my head and chest "I need to mix them up." And that's what I'm trying to do right now.

I don't like to sit still and just have to accept circumstances without the possibility of doing something to make them more favorable.

I am currently working on a couple of my own NFT collections (with a focus on DeSci and Refi), with which I intend to promote and support scientific research and marine environmental education in the country. Likewise, I am a founding member of SVTokens, a community that supports creators and anyone who wants to develop crypto projects in El Salvador.


I would like to share with you information about the environment, a little bit about El Salvador, and about the crypto projects we are working on. At the same time, I wish I could learn here to form community and improve my communication skills. I will be fully grateful for your observations and feedback. I am also interested in learning from different countries and cultures through the serey platform, understanding how they use technology, what and how they approach problems through crypto. As I've said before, I'm fascinated by all that this new world can offer.



Thanks for reading!

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