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Make your appointment fulfilling the purpose


Whether you run a business or a job, no matter what other profession you are in, sometimes the busyness becomes too much. The only purpose of any work is to achieve the desired result. It has nothing to do with long-term hard work or any need. Meetings cannot be an integral part of any organization.


I have a colleague who calls a meeting on a very small matter, maybe a net or meme is enough for all of them. When I asked him about it, he said he wanted to test the knowledge and perspective of others before making any decision. A meeting means a conversation. This involves the time of both the person who called the meeting and the person who attended the meeting.


A meeting should be called when it is really needed. Because it doesn’t always become an easy way to gather knowledge. What we want to express through the meeting should be clearly presented to the public and an agenda should be prepared for it.


Instead of meeting, alternatives such as e-mail, fax or letter may be considered. If the meeting is deemed necessary, then the person calling the mini-meeting should be clear about what he wants. So as not to waste time discussing failures. If there is any other issue, stop it immediately Instead of making a list of what will be practiced, the purpose for which the meeting is being called should be judged. It is recommended that any meeting end within a quarter of an hour or so. If a meeting goes on for a long time, the concentration of the lakes may be lost. While working in the Ministry of Commerce, I came to know that the MD there. Meetings are held from 4 am to 4 pm. At first the Lakers tolerated the matter. Then came the turn of the grievance, they said that the boss kept them sitting for hours and hoped that the work that was supposed to be done in the meeting would be completed the next morning. One tries to convince this MD that this method is completely wrong and he should do this according to a plan. He was told that it is not a bad thing to call a meeting but it is very important to plan how much time will be spent in this meeting. All in all, after a few days without discussing this in a meeting, everyone can be reunited.


First of all, it is better to give an agenda to everyone so that the people read it and become fully prepared and get very good results. If every member of the meeting comes up with their own way, the result will be productive. A time needs to be set for how long the meeting will last. If possible, it is best to set aside time for each subject, as this will explain how long it takes to stay focused on a subject. Listen carefully to everyone's opinion and then make a decision. Repeating a person's judgment is nothing but foolishness. There needs to be enough time to debate on every subject but the time that will be set must be used properly.


Keep in mind the time-limit as a member may have to go somewhere or meet Kaur. If someone violates the deadline, he or she can be politely told about the agenda and purpose of the meeting. Those who will follow the agenda are the ones to express themselves.


If you feel that you have to spend a lot of time studying a particular topic, that topic may be left for the next meeting, or it may be best not to discuss a less important topic at this meeting. If something suddenly comes to the fore about which there was no preparation in advance, it is beneficial to call another meeting. So it is not possible to discuss this issue in detail in the new meeting. Instead of making some verbal announcements about the next meeting, it is better to issue a written notice. It may also inform you about the need for a new meeting. This notification must reach everyone within 24 hours. It is important to include the issue of the decision after the final time of the meeting. It will clearly state what will be discussed and to whom it will be delegated. Meetings do not end with a meeting, the way to get there is fixed. It is very important to have follow up. The organization or person calling the meeting should take responsibility for it. If a time limit is set for the work, it can also be requested to be completed on time, so that the intention to call a meeting will be considered successful. The person calling the meeting should keep an eye on this issue.


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