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Syndrome of fatherlessness. How to explain the absence of a father to a child?


The environment, upbringing and closest relatives of the child are responsible for his correct mental development. The absence of a dad negatively affects the formation of the emotions and feelings of both boys and girls, which causes problems in adulthood. This phenomenon is called fatherless syndrome.

A single woman, despite all her efforts, is not able to replace both parents for a child. The absence of a father deprives girls and boys of the male model, which has a significant impact on the social, emotional, intellectual, sexual and moral spheres and significantly affects interpersonal relationships and relationships concluded in adulthood.

The presence of both parents in a child's life significantly influences the formation of his personality, feelings and behavior patterns that he will use in adulthood. The Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that upbringing in a full-fledged family is a basic need and ensures continuous harmonious development.

The differences between a man and a woman, which he sees in the example of his parents, allow him to define himself. For a girl, dad is the first man in life, and for a boy he is a model of male behavior and a link that connects him with the world of men. The father gives his descendants a sense of security, economic capital and personifies strength and resourcefulness. Lack of contact and relationship with the father significantly affects cognitive abilities, personality, psyche and how the child will cope with problems in adulthood.

The absence of a father in the life of a son and daughter leads to a loss of security and the emergence of anxiety, and often a sense of guilt. When a man leaves the family, the child does not understand the true reasons for this situation in the world of adults, and looks for the reasons for the absence of a father: he feels inferior and unworthy of acceptance and love. These are feelings that destructively affect the formation of self-esteem. The psychological consequence is also the destruction of the foundations of the identity of the child, who often does not know who will look after him now, where his father is, whether he loves him, who he is. At a later age, the symptoms of fatherlessness syndrome in boys and girls differ.

There is no father in the life of a son

In primitive cultures, boys, upon reaching a certain age, were placed under the care of a father and men from a certain tribe, who took care of their upbringing, passed on their experience, knowledge and skills to them. Even then, people realized how important the male standard is in development. The absence of a father in raising his son deprives him of a psychosexual model, which he cannot repeat and imitate in the process of forming his masculine identity and identifying with his own gender.

A fatherless complex can lead to a desire to reaffirm values ​​and overestimate masculine characteristics, which manifests itself in rebellion, aggression, antisocial attitude and opposition from the mother. The source of this behavior is mistaken patterns spread by the media and society. In a teenager, this can lead to his loss, inability to responsibility, love. A study by Hoffmann in 1971 found that boys who grew up without a father received lower scores on morality tests.


There is no father in raising a daughter

Very often, the absence of a father in raising a girl makes her pay too much attention to her mother, especially when she cannot cope with the departure of her partner. The daughter becomes her guardian, takes on some household chores, becomes obedient to her and accepts the point of view of her mother in relation to men: they cannot be trusted, because they all abandon, deceive and cheat. As a result, there is a reluctance to enter into a relationship or problems with maintaining them.

How does the absence of a father affect a woman's relationship with men?

Dad is the first man in a girl's life. It is he who often becomes her ideal, and his facial features are an example of the desired features of the future partner. His presence and receiving love, acceptance and approval from him form her femininity and are the first test of her attractiveness. The absence of a father deprives her of these qualities and contributes to excessive insecurity, shyness, awkwardness in relationships with others and difficulties in building relationships.

On the other hand, a woman who is deprived of a male role model in childhood will try to find it in the man with whom she enters into a relationship. She will try to get from him paternal love and recognition, which she did not receive from her father. This leads to early onset of sexual activity, toxic relationships, dependence on a partner, frequent breakups or divorces.

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