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How to reduce body heat naturally?


This year intense heat has been felt since the beginning of Baisakh. Meanwhile, the mercury has touched 38-42 degrees Celsius in the entire country including the capital. According to the Meteorological Office, the presence of clouds in the sky and some wind has brought some relief to public life. However, the prevailing temperature will continue in the coming days as well.


However, in reducing body heat, you must first decide whether you will reduce body heat or fever? Drink plenty of fluids to reduce body heat. Here's how you can reduce dehydration at home. There are other remedies like soaking your feet in water or taking a warm bath. However, in case of heatstroke or fever, consult a doctor immediately. So let's know some natural home remedies to reduce body heat-

Drink fluids

Try to consume more liquids. It can help lower body temperature by cooling your body internally. Regular intake of fluids prevents dehydration.
Cold water

Swimming in cold water, bathing or applying cold water to the body can lower the body temperature. In this case the blood circulation will reduce the body temperature.
Wearing clothes

Wear loose, light weight and light colored clothing to reduce body heat. If possible, remove excess clothing to reduce body heat naturally. Light weight fabrics like silk, chiffon, thin cotton and linen are suitable for extra warmth. Also try wearing white and other light colors, which can help reduce heat by reflecting sunlight.
Some time in front of AC or fan

Try to stay inside the AC for a certain time of the day. If that is not possible then you can do it while sitting in front of a fan. Due to sitting in front of AC or fan, your excess body heat will decrease in a short time. Also wet your skin with cold water. Then sit under a fan or air yourself for long periods of time at a gentle pace. It will give your skin a cooling sensation.
Breathing exercises

Do controlled breathing exercises to reduce body heat. You may be wondering what the heat in the body has to do with breathing exercises? In fact, you can keep yourself calm through exercise. For this, sit comfortably and try to take slow, deep breaths, which will reduce body heat very quickly naturally. Inhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7 and exhale slowly for a count of 8. Do 10 to 15 minutes of this exercise every day to lower your heart rate and lower your core temperature. Gradually your body heat will decrease.
Apply cold to key points on the body

Apply to strategic points of the body where the veins are close to the surface - such as wrists, neck, chest with a towel soaked in cold water. This will help reduce your body heat.
Soak feet in cold water

Take a bowl of cold water and ice and dip your feet in it. For best results, keep it for at least 60 minutes. When the water starts to get hot, add cold water and ice to the bowl again.
Drink the syrup

If you work or exercise in hot weather, you can drink syrup or saline to fill your body with water. This drink will replenish the salts and essential minerals lost with sweat. Staying hydrated is important, so soda and other sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine should be avoided.

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