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At the beginning of Magh, Syedpur had a bone-chilling winter.


At the beginning of Magh, the intensity of winter has increased across the country. 
A moderate to light cold wave is sweeping over one division and 9 regions. 
The intensity of winter is increasing in Saidpur as evening falls. 
Himal wind is blowing in the body. 
Degree Celsius. In this way, the people of Cahill city are cold. 
In the picture you can see the people of Syedpur bus terminal area of ​​the city trying to find
 warmth by lighting fires to ward off the cold.


According to the department's forecast, 
the moderate cold wave flowing through the north-western part of the country could pass through the same area. 
Day and night temperatures may drop further. 
Night and day temperatures may remain almost unchanged across the country. 
The temperature may change slightly in the next three days.

The department's long-term notification in January said 1-2 cold spells could hit the country this month. 
One of these can take the form of a severe cold. 
Then the temperature can go down to 4-6 degrees.


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