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35 Deer in the Farm of the leader of Politics.


Jatiya Party (JPA) leader Abdus Sattar Moral has set up a Chitra deer farm on the banks of Galghashia river in Nandakati village of Bishnupur union in Kaliganj upazila of Satkhira coastal Satkhira. The farm now has 35 deer. This leader has built the farm as a hobby. Hundreds of visitors from different areas flock there every day to see the deer.

It can be seen on the ground that there are 29 big deer in the farm. There are six cubs. The workers in charge of the farm feed the deer like goats.

Farm owner Moral Abdus Sattar is the Khulna divisional organizing secretary of the Jatiya Party. He said, ‘I started rearing five deer in 2004 from a businessman in Khulna. I started as a hobbyist. But now it has been converted into a farm. Every day thousands of people come to see the farm. '


There is also a lot of demand for its meat. If educated unemployed youths do not run after jobs and start deer farms, a new dimension will be added to the country's economy.

‘Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal took six deer from me and now owns 11 deer. Until 2016, my farm had the approval of the Ministry of Forests and Environment. From then on, the Ministry of Forest and Environment started delaying the renewal of the certificate of my farm. I am being humiliated. The Department of Wildlife Conservation at the Ministry of Forests and Environment has stopped my certification due to legal complications, ”said Moral Abdus Sattar, a farm owner.

The Jatiya Party leader said, "The forest ministry says my farm is 19 km by air from the Sundarbans. The farm must be 30 kilometers away. My farm is 63 km away by river and 50 km by road. I don't know how many kilometers it is by air. '

Entrepreneur Solaiman Hussain, a resident of Haribhanga village in Asashuni upazila, is interested in legalizing deer farms.

He said, ‘After seeing Mr. Sattar’s farm, I became enterprising to farm. However, before the farm could be built, the plan was thwarted due to legal complications. There is an opportunity to make more profit with less investment by keeping deer. '

‘Deer farms are growing fast. Every three years a Maya deer gives birth to two cubs. They have to be fed like normal goats. They don't have any disease. '

Satkhira Deputy Commissioner SM Mostafa Kamal said all measures would be taken to build the farm if there were no legal complications.

Khulna Divisional Forest Officer (Wild Live Division) Nirmal Kumar Pal said Abdus Sattar Moral's farm is within 20 kilometers by air. That is why the license of the farm is not being renewed.

He said that in order to get a deer farm license, the farm must be 30 km away by air. Apart from this, there is no legal opportunity to issue a license.

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