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Rui, the king of fish, and Pui, the king of vegetables ...


*There are very few people who do not like to eat pui vegetables and if there is a favorite month with it, then there is no point.*




 Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you are all very well. I am going to share a home-cooked recipe with you today and my items for today are Punishak and Tilapia fish.


 There are very few people in our house who don't eat sugarcane or don't like pumpkins if they don't get water on their tongues after hearing about it.


 Today I have cooked mussels and tilapia at home so I thought I would share some of these cooking moments with my friends about how I actually cooked and how delicious and fun it is.


 Many of our Bengalis say that the king of fish is Rui, the king of vegetables. It seems that many people have many kinds of fish with sag, such as hilsa fish, shrimp fish and other different types of fish, this curry is cooked very tasty.


 ## There are some benefits to this vegetable ...


 In fact, there is no point in calling it a vegetable because it contains a lot of vitamin A. Vegetables contain vitamins C and A and these vegetables contain a lot of calcium and iron which is very important for our body.


 For people who suffer from diabetes, this medicine is considered to be a great medicine because playing this dress is very beneficial for diabetics. In a word, if you eat pui vegetables regularly, then you do not have to worry about diabetes.


 Then there is another virtue that is one of the most risky diseases in the world today, which is that it plays a big role in the prevention of cancer. Because the fiber in it prevents stomach and colon cancer.


 If you understand that this vegetable is not really useful, then it is a useful vegetable, then we eat it because eating pomegranate is a passion because eating pomegranate cooking makes your tongue water.


 ## Anyway now let me tell you how I cooked ,,,


 Usually after cutting from the place where Boishakh is, it is seen that it has a lot of dirt, soil and it is good. First of all, I washed it very nicely.


 Then I put it in a pot and then I will mix some potatoes with this dress for which I cut the potatoes and put them on top of the mashed potatoes.


 Then I put the Boishakh and the potatoes together in a bowl to crush them very nicely. Then I fried the fish masti that I will mix with this.


 Another thing is that Sanjita of this Boishakh can be cooked in different stages. One person cooks at one stage, so I actually cook other curries and butcher them with salted onions and then curry in the same way. Boiled boiled then I gave more goods with mashallah.


 Then while moving it, once I saw that the dress was perfect, I covered it with water for a while.


 Then when the water in the clothes became sour, then I gave it to the fried fish and it became my delicious curry cooking.


 This was it friends hope you like it and like it. Thanks everyone for reading my post and you will eat more and more vegetables.


# If you like to watch video check my @threespeak cooking video..


And YouTube....


# *Thanks for visiting my account*


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>I am Md. Mamun, Bangladeshi. However, due to work, I am currently living in Malaysia as an expatriate. I express my feelings through writing and share my experiences through video. But I love to sing, so I sing in my spare time. Love to make friends. Love and try to enjoy life.



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