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Everyone should be united


Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim

Hello friends of Camping Club Hive (cch), how are you all? Hope you all are very well, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

We have a proverb in Bengali language in Bangladesh "Dashe mille kari kaj, hari jiti nehi laj" the meaning of this saying is that if we all work together then there is no problem even if we lose, there is no problem even if we win, that is to live in the world all together with unity have to stay

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A task is difficult when done alone, but a task becomes easy when done together. An example will make it easy to understand. If ten sticks are together, it will be difficult for one person to carry them, but if those ten sticks are carried by ten people, one by one can easily carry them.

While writing this article, an incident came to my mind, a man thought to give some advice to his wife after getting married. One day the man came outside the house with his wife, took a rope with him, he held one end of the rope himself and asked his wife to hold the other end.

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Now the man asked his wife to pull the rope, but his wife could not pull the rope, because her husband on the other side was holding it, now the man left one head and came to his wife and said now both of them pull this rope together, Now two people pulled the rope together and brought it easily.

Now the husband is saying to his wife, Look, if we are not united and quarrel with each other, we cannot do anything easily, but if we two are united and work together, everything can be done very easily. I can and there will be more love between us.

Since then both husband and wife started living together and many difficult things were done very easily by both of them. I should also live in harmony with unity. Because unity is power.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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