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Organizations that gain popularity are very well run


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.
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When an institution becomes famous then that institution is run very well, be it an educational institution or any other institution, the institution which is famous has some reasons for its being famous, when an institution becomes famous then that institution is running on name only, that Everything in the organization becomes very expensive, after becoming famous, only good things go to that organization which costs a lot, sometimes even low-priced items are sold at high prices there.

For example, if an educational institution is famous, then there is no shortage of students in that institution, all students want to get admission in that institution. Everyone tries to study in that famous educational institution. When all the good students get admission in that famous institution then the result of that educational institution is very good.

As our Sirajganj collectorate school and college is very famous, education is very good in this school, most of the students of Sirajganj want us to get admission in this school, but not everyone can get admission there, for admission in this school we have to apply in different ways, many Parents adopt various illegal ways to get their child admitted in this school.

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We have to apply for admission in this school in Sirajganj in several ways, and have to take the admission test, if someone can pass the admission test then there is no limit to his joy, and if someone cannot pass then he suffers a lot, then his parents are different. Using illegal roads. All the parents try hard to get the students well admitted here.

In the same way, if a hospital is famous, then everyone wants to get treatment from that hospital, the treatment there is good, many treatments are good. Like Enam Medical in Dhaka Savar is now very famous, Rana Plaza became famous after the demolition, because Rana Plaza provides free treatment to everyone.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.
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