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Water is a very important thing in our life


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.
photo edit by canva

Water is a very important thing in our life, without water none of us can live, for this the other name of water is called life, no matter what we eat, we can never live without drinking water, we need water in all aspects of our life, We perform various essential functions with water.

We need water when we eat food, people of different countries eat different foods, and if there is no variation in the food sometimes the food has no taste, there is no difference in water even if the food is different, we all drink water while eating. We cannot eat without water.

If the food gets stuck in the throat while eating, we try to expel the food through water, water is essential in our daily life, when we are tired we try to relieve our body fatigue by drinking cold water, to bring comfort to our body Bathe with water, if our post is dirty we clean it with water.

Water is not only needed while eating food but water is very necessary in every aspect of life, we also need water when we cultivate something, without water nothing can be cultivated, crops which are watered properly have better yield. , and the crop which is not watered properly, the yield of that crop is not good.

At present, most of our villages in Bangladesh are cultivating paddy, the paddy seeds have been sown in the land a few days ago, now the rice plants have started to grow, now the paddy land must be given sufficient water, if the water in the land is less at this time, then the crop of the land will not be good. for this reason farmers are now giving adequate amount of water to their land.

Water is extracted from the ground through a machine, and that water is given to different lands with the help of drains, most of the places in the world are water, water is also under the ground on which we live, today I have shared with you the scene of giving water to the land through the machine, Hope you like it a lot.

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Thanks everyone for reading my post today.
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