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Youth is the age of knowing the right path.


If you have pocket money and your age is 18 to 25 then it is very difficult to finish and walk on the road. At this age, everyone has a lot of energy but not consciousness. It is good to have Josh but it is also very important to have Hush with him. 18 to 25 years is the most beautiful time for people. This is the time to create something for yourself. And if you have a bad habit at this age, it will not leave you until it has completely destroyed you. It feels bad to see this because many people nowadays are ruining their lives because of their bad habits. You will like all the bad deeds at this age because people at this age do not understand the difference between right and wrong. So today I will tell you five things that are ruining the lives of 18 to 25 year old boys and girls and if you are 18 to 25 then you must stay away from these five jobs.


The first of these is to keep yourself away from any kind of intoxication. Addiction, whether small or large, if it becomes your habit, it will ruin your life. Whether it is smoking, drinking or any other intoxication. If you are addicted to drugs at this age, it will be very difficult without it. It is very easy to do any intoxication but it is very difficult without it. So you will not be with those who are intoxicated. You live with a person who wants to do something in life. Nowadays, if you don't get drunk, everyone thinks he is old-fashioned and backdated. So many people are addicted today to make themselves look smart. Remember that it is not important that what everyone is doing will be right and it is also not right that people walk alone on the road is the wrong road. Goes alone. So if you are between the ages of 18 and 25, please keep yourself away from any kind of intoxication.


Number Two Stay away from hearing and seeing bad things. This bad talk bad video is ruining us. Many people say that once you see what will happen, then you know that once you see it, it will become your mindset. And it becomes very difficult to forget. You can easily get anything into your brain but it is very difficult to get it out of the brain and when you see and hear everything, your mind wants to see and hear everything again and again. And then it becomes your habit. And this habit will destroy you one day. So keep yourself away from hearing or seeing these things.


Stay away from love between the most important study and career with numbers. Many share their problems with me. And you'd be surprised to know that 99 percent of the problems with the relationship that left me cheated on me I can not forget him. So I would say this is not the age to do all this because 18 to 25 is the age to build your future, the age to build your career. When your career is ready, when you learn to take responsibility for yourself, build a relationship with who persuaded you. But now you can't handle yourself and you're going to handle someone else. Relationships are not a fun thing. Build your career first and then do everything. You're watching a movie, watching a video on social media, and you're really starting to do that. Neither do you like to read, nor do any work. At the age when you need to do something, you are wasting your precious time thinking about others. If you really want to love someone, first of all you have to do something in your life.


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