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The decision must now be made at a young age.


Adolescence is the best time of human life. You are at that time today at the most beautiful time of human life. This is the time to make the impossible possible. It will stay in your life for a few more years then your hair will start to turn white, gradually your friends will become less and less, everyone will be busy in their lives. Today, whatever dream you have, I want a big house, I want a big car, I want a reputation, I want money. You will never find a better time in your life to accomplish these goals. Most of the great work that has been done in this world to date has been done at this age or it has been started at this age. If you do not have a target today, then you are wasting the precious time that God has given you as a gift. If you are lazy today, you are wasting time which is the best time of your life.

What you do at a young age will determine what your future holds. At this age, you will not be able to take as much risk as you can for the rest of your life. You can't do as much right and bad as you can at this age in your whole life. And you will get the result of the right or bad deeds that you will do throughout your life. Today you can pay as much attention to your work as you never can. When you get married, have a son and a daughter, you can't focus so much on your work. And if you don't pay attention, no knowledge will come to you. So what you have learned today will come in handy in your future life.


Life will teach you something new every day but the talent you have now will come in handy most of the time. The character you create today will be your lifelong companion. So if you follow the path of thinking, you will never get lost.

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