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Never forget who stood by you when you had no one else


As we journey through the tapestry of life, there are times when the bonds of friendship are broken, leaving us isolated in the wilderness of solitude. Desolation may be the time when friendship shows its full potential. "Never forget that the one who was there for you, when no one else was" clarifies one of the most precious types of support we always get when no one else deserts us in the depth of our despair.

In the turbulence of existence, you can be drowned in the surface-level phenomenon that distracts you from the people who held your hands during those storms clouds. These anonymous champions, often unrecognized in the heroic tales of our lives, serve as a rocks to which we cling as our own strength is loosening. Instead of despair, they seem to be a shining light that shows us a way out of the maze.

In the course of life view of the endeavor it is impossible not to remember the faces of those whom when others slipped did not. It's the fellow who sat beside you in silence, giving you silent sympathy only when words failed. It's the family companion that goes through the ups and downs with you, who never abandoned the boat when others jumped to the shore.

The entire phrase cannot be reduced to the remembrance of those who gave a helping hand; instead, it encompass a gratitude that has no words. It’s about realizing how deep their goodwill is and what amazing feeling their favors give me.

In a world that is full of instability, where relationships usually rise and fall together with the ebbs and flows, it is imperative that people develop a sense of gratitude for the people who stay right there with them throughout the thick and thin. For indeed it is they who bring color to the despondent environment of solitude and make sure that in spite of life's challenges we are never simply alone.

Thus, during our traveling between life and death, we must have with us the flame of memory, to pay respect to those who stayed with us during darkness covered the sky. There, in the hardship that you have to endure together, one day, you will find out how deep your friendship really is and how strong your love for each other is.

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