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Had breakfast with friends


Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah. I hope everyone is doing well. I am very well with the infinite mercy of Allah. 

Naan Ruti is a familiar Bengali dish, prepared in the form of roughly pressed godhuli and roasted in the oven. It is made from flour and is usually eaten with a mouthful of vegetables, meat, pulses or pickles.

 Grilling, on the other hand, is a method of food preparation in which the food is cooked or fried by applying heat using natural gas or charcoal at high heat to the food. Grilled food tastes much better and is generally healthier.

 Breads and grilled foods are two patronizing and excellent sources of healthy energy. Naan bread is made from coarse, whole grain flour, which is known to be a great source of energy and individual vitamins and minerals. Plus, grilled foods are usually prepared with less oil and heat, making them healthier and tastier. They can help reduce healthy serve dysfunction.

 Naan Ruti is a popular savory Bengali dish, prepared in the form of roughly pressed godhuli. It is mostly made of flour and pressed and then oven or pan fried. Many types of vegetables, meats, pulses or pickles are served with naan bread.

 A grill is a method of food preparation in which the food is prepared in a routine boiling or frying manner by applying heat to the food using real gas or charcoal at high heat. Grilled food tastes better and is generally healthier. 

Everyone will be fine. Please pray for me so that I can work regularly. My greetings to everyone. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.. 

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