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De-dollarization and the BRICS: North Korean State Media


De-dollarization and the BRICS: North Korean State Media "Expansion of BRICS is an inevitable result of the current unfair international economic order," read an article released on Sunday by North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

Jong Il Hyon, a DPRK expert on international matters, is the author of the article. He explained that "the current unfair and unreasonable international economic order" that is centered on the U.S.-led international monetary system based on the dollar is the main reason why so many nations have joined the BRICS bloc.

Jong continued, noting that the United States formed the Bretton Woods system in July 1944, adopting the dollar as the world's reserve currency after amassing enormous riches during World War II. But ever since, the U.S.

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