Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered? So what? Legally speaking, that is the response when somebody claims that you committed alleged crimes without evidence, prove, facts. That is what they should be doing in the 2020 U.S. Impeachment Trial. You can say Trump said this or did that, but so what. Lionel Nation talked about this during his second stream, Saturday evening. Led Adult Sunday School. We saw the church of Iran in a video for the sermon. What did Bill Gates do again to help murder people? Potluck. Den. Shovel. Cookies. Danish. Fake Lemon. Fake women don't have hips?

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

06:27 PM - Steemit

The helicopter crashed. His daughter died as well. I want to talk a little bit about what just happened. I want to share some links to this news story. I want to share some videos relating to the death of Kobe Bryant. I have a few different questions in regards to what happened. The biggest would be: "Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?"

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

Here is my rough draft outline article post that addresses this question. Long story short, I don't really know anything much at the moment. So, this article contains some videos and a few links to other posts. A bunch of people are talking about this all around the world today. This should be part one of my series on the murder of Kobe. It was probably a murder. It is unlikely that it was an accident. It is unlikely that they would all die. I don't have time right now to get into everything. I have a lot more to say on these matters. Many people are saying the same things on this matter and that is too bad. More on some of these things later.

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2020-01-26 - Sunday

My Day in Review

Screenshot at 2020-01-26 20:48:41.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Fox News

12:12 AM - Giuliani: I can't sit by and watch my country be sold out by Joe Biden

Way Beyond Pad Thai

12:21 AM - The MYSTERY SPOT in Santa Cruz California

The hill is sideways and level doesn't get it.

He reminds me of Marshall from How I Met Your Mother when you told him to get excited. Marshall was this big guy who was also in the Muppets movie.


01:14 AM - Steemit

Yes, I believe Saigon is what the French called that place going back to the 1800's and up until about 1975 and officially in 1976. Yeah, I've been watching Stefan Molyneux since like 2016. I have a daily blog and I linked to you in them already. Right now, I'm researching how the Internet works. Sometimes, I write about health, natural remedies. I'm always going back and forth between topics. So, I'm not currently writing anything about ancient world history at the moment. You mentioned a bunch of things here. I'll be back to talk more about some of these things. For example, Beowolf is interesting to talk about.

King Death Masks

01:19 AM - Steemit

My favorite part from this post is that king's gold death mask which reminds me about how they put kings and other leaders on coins, on money. Also, those tablets are fascinating as archives of history, like an ancient screenshot or photograph in a way.

Ancient Rodeos

01:24 AM - Steemit

These articles of yours are as valuable as encyclopedias. I've not heard about the bull leaping sport but it does appear to be like an ancient version of a rodeo with the guys with the red flags and the bull riding.

Survival vs Capitalism

01:31 AM - Steemit

How is survival not capitalism? Either you have authoritarianism or you do not. Make globalism smaller. Make tyranny decline. It is that simple. Reduce regulations, taxes, red tape, etc. I love the tenth amendment. FDR accelerated the marriage between governments and the corporations which they created or helped in many ways especially in the 1930's. I hate the Federal Reserve which is part of the scheme that created the great depression. They banned gold. Now, they may say they didn't but people were arrested for hoarding like you said which is then therefore by effect the same and equal to banning. Plus, they wouldn't let people redeem their gold. Money was supposed to be gold backed. But he took us off the gold standard. America went bankrupt in 1933.

Google Translate

01:42 AM - Steemit

I agree with what you were saying about what is and is not spam.... and I would use Google Translate when I lived in Vietnam. Now, I was studying Vietnamese and would talk to them about which words to use. So, when you use Google Translate, you can sometimes pick between different choices for the translating. But of course, it takes work to figure out which words are better as Google won't always know. But it does have a feedback where you can pick the best choice and click on a button to submit it to them to help them improve their translator.

Black Sea

01:45 AM - Steemit

Why is the Black Sea called the Black Sea? Why that color?

Greek Alphabet

01:50 AM - Steemit

Did Latin evolve directly from Greek? I don't remember if they're in the same language family or not. I've seen some of the Greek alphabet before. It seems that some of the English alphabet comes from it in one way or another.

The Expanse

2020-01-26 - Sunday - 01:55 AM - 02:48 AM - The Expanse 408

We need to change the narrative she says to the queen.

A guy resigns in front of the queen as a dis on Trump.





Anti-cancer medicine or Eric Holden is killing the slugs.

Cable connecting one ship to another.

CNN condemned the leaking of New Earth images like real CNN condemned Wiki Leaks.

Queen's husband gets mad at her for doing a good thing. He is crazy.

2020-01-26 - Sunday - 02:48 AM - 03:30 AM - The Expanse 409

The aliens or whatever impersonated Miller but he found a way out to come to Eric Holden similar to the Matrix and the Truman Show. I had a feeling this was true when fake Miller wondered what rain felt like or what the ring felt like or something which sounded like something real Miller wouldn't say.


Transhumanism in how Miller is stuck in the Matrix.

Globalists believe and promote transhumanism and are asking people to upload their consciousness to the Matrix, the Brain Phones, the AI.

Two Millers.

Hat Miller is the fake Miller.

Miller turns on the planet and goes to turn it off and kill the blue zombie proto molecules.


Pastor Sam

08:14 AM - Astroturf! Zillions Of Catholic Youths Filled National Mall, Returning Home With Their Handlers

I've not thought about that but that makes sense. Sneaky of a corrupt church system to do.

I hate cronyism.

08:38 AM - Steemit

I love the ability for humans to trade with or without money. People can choose to help each other out in tribalism, in local communities, tribes, families. You are right that I shouldn't be asking questions if they land on deaf ears.


We should study Rothschild for example. Real capitalism is not authoritarianism. Fake versions of capitalism is authoritarianism and that is what FDR was doing. FDR was enforcing a curfew law in the 1930's in the United States.

Defining Capitalism

That is not free markets. Different people have different definitions to capitalism. So, there are specific and more generic definitions to capitalism. It is possible that when I say capitalism, that I'm saying trading, free markets, what we are doing right now in this exchange, and  yet when you say capitalism, you really mean crony capitalism through the filters of the corrupt governments which regulates the markets excessively.

Regulating Markets

Plus, central bankers, Rothschild, the Federal Reserve, etc, have been centralizing, enforcing, manipulating, and regulating markets way too much. That is bad. We do not have free markets. Therefore, you cannot blame certain problems on an imaginary thing like free markets. Well, it is real but only to the extent that we have it. But governments and other things are way too big and do in fact interfere with our personal lives and everything.

Banning Gold

They banned gold. You live in denial. It even happened to foreign banks who tried to get their money back and were denied. So, you are denying reality. You are denying what happened to these foreign banks. It doesn't matter if Nixon allegedly claimed bankruptcy if America went bankrupt in 1933 and don't get me started on what might have happened in 1871 to introduce corporate USA INC at that time and the other things that kept on happening as things progressed according to the books globalists have been writing since at least the 1800's.

Verified Patterns

History will be seen through patterns and verified by different people. You listen to people who lie to you. So, you either know that and are guilty or you are unaware of what Abraham Lincoln did and what he is guilty of for example.

Brained Washed Oatmeal

08:53 AM - Steemit

They brain washed me into loving people and especially Steemit. I love Steemit. I hope you get off Evil Steemit very soon. Because Steemit has to be bad if it utilizes free markets, capitalism, the ability to trade, to exchange. I am brain washed to fight against authoritarianism. For example, Google came out of the government. Same thing with Facebook and others. I'm happy that you do not know about 1871. That is why your avatar is of a muppet. Because you are a puppet. You don't know about 1695. What happened in that year does not matter to you.


08:58 AM - Steemit

We should free Julian Assange and I agree that terrorism can be broadly defined and therefore weaponized by government. On top of that, America should bring troops home. Get out of wars. Get rid of global embassies to the extent they are tax-payer funded.

42:00 No. Google, Facebook, etc, came from tax payers through the CIA, DARPA, etc. Meaning they're public properties.

Sunday School

I led it. We continued to questions two and three, which is where we left off last week. We talked about the reaction Israel had after leaving Exodus, I mean Egypt.


We saw a video of the growing church of Iran which appears to be the fasted expanding body of Christ on the planet at the moment and it mirrors what happened in Acts with the apostles. They do not simple get people to attend as pirates who don't do anything but rather disciples which is what Christ did but they start the process as they talk to new people. A Iranian Christian will simple find out the needs of a stranger and talk to the individual once in a while, maybe once a week to develop a relationship, AKA discipleship.

Potluck. Talk about clogged arteries. Talk about cars with gears. Some cars may be automatic. Put away the shovel. Don't let the rain ruin it. Children are our future. Disciple them. Educate them. The number ten. I like the color black. I like that song about the rainbow that Christ wears. It was like Jesus was gay. Like happy gay.

Come home to find out that Kobe Bryant and his daughter are now dead as their helicopter fell from the sky.

Computer froze around 3:30 PM. After waiting ten minutes, I gave it a hard 20 second off button press to force it off and now I am running a fan to make sure it does not overheat. Well, maybe it didn't. Not sure what cause the freeze.

Anarchy vs Tyranny

03:54 PM - Steemit

True. Now, keep in mind that anarchy creates power vacuums as seen in the Middle East and some places in the world where when one government falls, another government rises in its place.


04:01 PM - Steemit

Your rabbit reminds me of my guinea pigs. Good times. Oh, 14 going onto 20? So where are you on that journey now lol?

Mario 64

04:05 PM - Steemit

Yeah, the lava levels were tough. I played it a lot in the 1990's.

Night Terror

04:08 PM - Steemit

Are you sure there are no monsters under the bed?

CoronaVirus Outbreak

04:17 PM - Steemit

Can we talk about what Bill Gates did to help with this problem?


04:51 PM - Steemit

You forgot to mention Mad Cow Disease and Y2K.

Oatmeal Rice Marriage

05:05 PM - Steemit

I am Aladdin. I have to love Jasmin rice lol. I sing to my rice lol. I can show you the world, shinning, shimmering, delicious. Just hop into my mouth oh baby and you will never ever be alone. Whole New Oatmeal.


05:11 PM - Steemit

Good job. I remember skiing. It can be tough.Was it fun? Good teacher?

Kid Cool

05:16 PM - Steemit

My nickname in high school was Cool Kid. This is a cute game.

YouTube Censorship

05:21 PM - Steemit

YouTube terminated over four of my channels which means I lost thousands of videos, that is dozens of hours.

Texas Horses

05:56 PM - Steemit

If there were too many horses, couldn't they have limited breeding?

Agenda 2030

06:19 PM - Steemit

Good question. Regardless of whether it is or is not, it is being used by some people in an attempt to depopulate. Bill Gates has some patents i believe relating to this particular virus and other things as well.

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

06:27 PM - Steemit

Kobe Bryant Died 2020-01-26 - Sunday - 26kobe01-jumbo-v2.jpg

The helicopter crashed. His daughter died as well. I want to talk a little bit about what just happened. I want to share some links to this news story. I want to share some videos relating to the death of Kobe Bryant. I have a few different questions in regards to what happened. The biggest would be: "Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?"

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

Here is my rough draft outline article post that addresses this question. Long story short, I don't really know anything much at the moment. So, this article contains some videos and a few links to other posts. A bunch of people are talking about this all around the world today. This should be part one of my series on the murder of Kobe. It was probably a murder. It is unlikely that it was an accident. It is unlikely that they would all die. I don't have time right now to get into everything. I have a lot more to say on these matters. Many people are saying the same things on this matter and that is too bad. More on some of these things later.

Joe Rogan

09:38 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1413 - Bill Maher

Talk about Bill Cosby and how he forced his staff to do crazy things.

Two problems.

Bill had problems.

But number two, his staff had problems.

The biggest problem is that people should not have done things they did not want to do. If Bill forced them to do crazy things, they should have quit and left.

But they wanted the money. They wanted to work with famous people. They wanted, power, money, fame, stuff.


10:28 PM - Meet Your Second Wife - SNL

Epstein Related - Children Sex Trafficking Related

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
once upon a time all is son came
what a sweety the old people would say
so hungry
big bad wolf
little red riding hood
for 27 years

Day in the Life of a Japanese Delivery Worker - Paolo fromTOKYO
I agree because God is an elephant and we are blind men.

i saw a chain saw walking down the road the other day

What if they are not telling us everything about the helicopter like Las Vegas on Sunday, the first of October of 2017, I wonder.

Some people say it was foggy and that they told Kobe not to fly and yet Kobe decided to fly nevertheless.

Kobe Bryant didn't kill himself.

Fireside Chat - Virtue instead of Virtue Signalling
Shakira Hips Shoulders and Skull Dont Lie (Transpocalypse Now mirror)
Music - Schumann Piano - Concerto - by Khatia Buniatishvili
Randall Carlson Ancient Ruins Are Encoded With A Message For Everyone To See
Reminds me of Hawaii where I lived.

vietnam oatmeal joey arnold joeyarnold joeyarnoldvn shelton was usa oregon WA washington america vietnam ojawall morehead rasp pdx fgor97116 fgor163 my blog joseph scott donald marilyn mitchell cool kid


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The First Greeks: The Mycenaeans (c.1,600 - 1,070 BC)

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CoronaVirus Outbreak 65 Million People may Die

Bars and brothels in the U.S.A. Girls from Tlaxcala, Mexico

Enjoying life, watching the sunset with my loving friends 🌞🏝

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026_Its a Man's World & there is a World War happening !!! ( MGTOW is Freedom )


Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

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