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Envisioning 2030


# Close your eyes. Imagine stepping into a [time machine car]( from Back to the Future. You put your foot to the metal, the gas pedal, you accelerate to 88 miles per hours, and suddenly you blast right into the year 2030.
# # [Tracking Technology]( [Antennas]( [ - AI]( [ - Attacking Websites]( [ - Banned From His Own Trial]( [ - Beam Me Up Microwave]( [ - Cars]( [ - Censorship]( [ - Check]( [ - Coma]( [ - Computers]( [ - Copyright]( [ - Floppy]( [ - Freos]( [ - Geoengineering]( [ - Ham Radio]( [ - IBM]( [ - Infowars]( [ - Internet Kill Switch]( [ - Mana]( [ - OS]( [ - Steem]( [ - Steemit]( [ - Technocracy]( [ - Transhumanism]( [ - Twitter]( [ - Web Browsers]( [ - Selling Means Ownership]( [ - Undeletable]( [![Screenshot at 2019-03-04 01:29:15.png](](
# # Now, open your eyes. What do you see? What kind of future do we have in eleven years from now? What kind of tomorrow do you want for your children? Better yet, what kind of future are globalists pushing us towards? Will we all be cyborgs? Will we all live in the sky like the [Jetsons?]( What are your questions about the future? Let me know in the comments below.
# # [Working Websites]( [My favorite sites include(s) Answers In Genesis (AIG)]( [ - Crowder]( [ - Daily Beast]( [ - Daily Caller]( [ - Dnews]( [ - Dr Berg]( [ - Drudge]( [ - Eagle]( [ - Freedom Press]( [ - Freedom Toons]( [ - Free Geek]( [ - Hagmann]( [ - Infowars]( [ - Infowars Army Forum]( [ - Intelli Hub]( [ - Kaitlin Bennett]( [ - Lionel Media]( [ - Lisa Haven]( [ - Mark Dice]( [ - Michael Savage]( [ - Millie Weaver]( [ - Milo]( [ - Natural News]( [ - News Wars]( [ - Rebel Media]( [ - RSBN]( [ - Tommy Robinson]( [ - Veritas]( [ - Wiki Leaks]( [ - WND]( [ - etc. ]( [ -]( [![marty](]( # #
# Becoming Cyborgs Do we want to become cyborgs? Do we want to merge with robots, computers, machines, devices, technology? Some people are saying that we already are merging as our smart phones are extensions of our daily lives. So, this can be a pretty deep debate people can have. There are many examples of where we are going based on movies, television shows, books, comics, stories, etc. Did you know that [Alita]( is a movie about cyborgs in the future, in 2563. Humans worship [Alita,]( a cyborg, as she plays the hockey-style Motorball sport. So, do we want to become cyborgs in order to cheat death, to achieve immortality? Some people are trying to live longer. I'm for that but I'm against losing my humanity for a [variety of reasons.]( I've written about some of these things in the past and it does concern me. I've seen these themes in sci-fi. Younger people want 5G because they want faster Internet. But they may not see the health hazards or the Nano Tech. We may even forget about the [Total Recall.]( Globalists, technocrats, and others, are behind pushing us into an Agenda 2030. It involves depopulation. It involves [Hiding Us From Secret Tech.]( It involves the continual dumbing down of the general public. They're going after [Minority Report Pre-Crime.]( That's the tough part. Some of us may be in the know. But it is important to see what other people see. They may not be on the same page. They may not know how bad people have been controlling technology and education and many things in order to spy on us and control us in a variety of ways.
# # [Breaking World News]( [80-20 Light Fight Ratio]( [ - Alex Jones]( [ - America]( [ - AI]( [ - Banned From His Own Trial]( [ - Bias]( [ - Bomb]( [ - Borderless]( [ - Brexit]( [ - Cars]( [ - Censorship]( [ - China]( [ - Climate Change]( [ - Clinton]( [ - Facebook]( [ - Farmlands]( [ - Ending Cold War]( [ - Genetic Fakeness]( [ - Geoengineering]( [ - Globalism]( [ - Google]( [ - Info Moms]( [ - Hat]( [ - Hillary Clinton]( [ - Homestead]( [ - Hostage]( [ - Jihadism]( [ - Kanye West]( [ - Korea]( [ - Laura Loomer]( [ - NPC]( [- One Person?]( [ - PDX]( [ - PewDiePie]( [ - RCS]( [ - Rebels]( [ - Red Pill]( [ - Religion]( [ - Risk Takers]( [- Rogers]( [ - Roseanne]( [ - Russia]( [ - Serena Williams]( [ - Sharia]( [ - Space Force]( [ - Steemit is Fake]( [ - Strzok]( [ - Transhumanism]( [ - Tommy Robinson]( [ - Tweets]( [ - Wikileaks]( [ - Video]( [ - Walmart]( [ - Walk Away]( [ - Wings]( [ - Watch Banned News - Alex Jones - Infowars]( # [![future](](
# Finding Purpose Our goal is in trying to help people see what the problems are with Open Borders and geoengineering and computers in our brains. They've been putting computer chips on the foreheads and on the hands of animals, hospital patients, military members, prisoners, etc. [Many people don't think about this.]( So, we should be trying to envision a better future. So, get married, make babies. Bury your guns. Stock up on canned foods. [Be independent.]( Home school your kids. Prepare for the future. Promote the kind of future you want for the world. Before starting a family, you should try to move into a neighborhood, a community, a city, a place where you can feel safe with like minds. Otherwise, the people around you may not have your back. So, I could probably write a million more articles about these things and I may try that. There are so many things we can talk about, the good and the bad, concerning our future. The problem is mostly in that a lot of people don't really think enough about how they are pushing all of us towards becoming Smart People instead of just having Smart Phones. Smart People are paid to connect their brains to the Internet, the Borg, the Matrix, the Star Trek Holodeck, where our thoughts are connected to Google, Facebook, etc. Sounds like a good idea, but it is not. So, where would we be in 2030? Let me know in the comments below. [Where will the Internet be in the coming decades?]( What about cryptocurrencies? Let me know the good and the bad. Let me know what we should do and what we should not do. How do we stop the globalists and other people from murdering us and our babies even after birth? How do we encourage people not to become zombies, cyborgs, Wall-E Fat People, Matrix People, Walkers, Data Androids, Smart People, transgender, no gender people, car gender people, no gender people, transhumanism humans, gods, etc? How do we encourage people to seek after eternal principles, original oatmeal, hope over dope, infinite altitude? This is my rough draft article concerning 2030. There are so many things we can talk about in regards to the future. Have you any idea how complex it is?
# # [Chronology of My Biography]( [1920's]( [ - 1930's]( [ - 1940's]( [ - 1950's]( [ - 1960's]( [ - 1980's]( [ - 1985]( [ - 1986]( [ - 1987]( [ - 1988]( [ - 1989]( [ - 1990's]( [ - 1990]( [ - 1991]( [ - 1992]( [ - 1993 ]( [ - 1994]( [ - 1995]( [ - 1996]( [ - 1997]( [ - 1998]( [ - 1999]( [ - 2000's]( [ - 2002]( [ - 2003]( [ - 2004]( [ - 2005]( [ - 2007]( [ - 2008]( [ - 2009]( [ - 2010]( [ - 2011]( [ - 2012]( [ - 2013]( [ - 2014]( [ - 2015]( [ - 2016]( [ - 2017]( [ - 2018]( [ - 2019]( [forbidden frog forums]( #
# # Envisioning 2030 [Published in March of 2019]( [by Oatmeal]( [Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA]( [ - Biography]( [ - Social Networks]( [ - Taught English in Vietnam]( [Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed](
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# # [Timeline Outline]( [2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019]( [2019-02-09 - Saturday - 08:11 PM LMS - 2019, Week 05]( [2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506]( [2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?]( [2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909]( [2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992]( [2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate]( [2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013]( [2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255]( [2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001]( [2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip]( [2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips]( [2019-03-01 - Friday - 05:55 PM LMS - Banning Oatmeal - Part 018]( [2019-03-02 - Saturday - 10:34 AM LMS - February of 2019](https://j/@joeyarnodvn/2019-february) [2019-03-02 - Saturday - 01:27 PM LMS - March of 2019](https://j/@joeyarnodvn/2019-March) [2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change]( [2019-03-02 - Saturday - 09:58 PM LMS - Mischief With Griff]( [2019-03-03 - Sunday - 08:33 AM LMS - Sunday the 3rd of March of 2019]( [2019-03-03 - Sunday - 02:05 PM LMS - Banning Oatmeal - Part 019]( [2019-03-04 - Monday - 12:36 AM LMS - Monday the 4th of March of 2019]( [2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 12:01 AM LMS - Tuesday the 5th of March of 2019]( [2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030]( Published at 2019-03-04 - Monday - 10:49 PM
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