Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology


The United Nations said that over 100 million people are starving to death globally, because people stay at home which means no money. If you don't got money, how do buy food? If you don't have food, can you live or will you die?

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter unless if they're babies, cops, or killing each other on the streets, right?

Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

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Oatmeal Daily - 2020-06-16 - Tuesday
Published in June of 2020

SAV SAY Screenshot at 2020-06-16 14:24:12.png
Have you been to

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Categories | Communities | Directories | Timelines | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Joe Rogan

01:00 AM - Joe Rogan Experience #846 - Michael Shermer


As a kid, sometimes I would withdraw as a form of negotiating or lack thereof. I started doing it less and less towards my twenties and as I get older in some ways. But not to say that I didn't or don't. It's good to know and learn from.

Becoming a Hunter

03:30 AM - Hive Post

You got to trust your gut when you're young to the extent your gut is right.

Do you believe in the after-life?

03:48 AM - Facebook

The better question is do you believe that your consciousness can stop being self-aware forever and ever someday after you die, what do you think? Can you imagine dying and then not existing and not being aware of your existence which then undos your life to make you never alive in the first place, right?


2020-06-16 - Tuesday - 03:51 AM - 04:34 AM - Vikings 607

Lagetha's dead body. Her son feels it. A guy looks at a beggar and sees the dead seer through the beggar. He has a conversation with the seer who is dead. This other guy wants to go back into his mother's womb to live in the limbo of no beginning or end. Women have a lottery and a bird lands on the girl who will freely have herself be killed so that she can go to the after-life to help out Lagetha there. First, she has sex with men. Second, a knife cut in the stomach. Death is not the end. A woman with back eyes.


Red Guy

11:38 AM - Alex Jones Show - First Hour - Tuesday June 16, 2020

Do children get Covid?

Statistically, less than one percent of the kids get sick from it and something like one percent of the one percent may die. In general, most people who get it recover or could to the extent their immune system allows.

Should we prosecute the police?

11:53 AM - Hive Blog

They continue to teach police in Minneapolis MMA-like tactics which other states, other cities, started discontinuing after the 1990's. They are taught protocols to specifically put weight on the neck to cause the person to go unconscious. Other police departments prohibit those specific actions.

Should we have freewill?

11:55 AM - Hive

Many people have been that way, historically. Some people may choose otherwise. You're demonizing the general population. Encouraging people towards better choices is fundamental but forcing them to do so violates their freewill.

Should we leave Facebook?

11:58 AM - Hive

Likewise, we should get sales commission when people leave Facebook and come to Hive or Gab or Bitchute or Minds or Steem or other places.

Red Lettter Media

12:25 AM - Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - re:View

Willy Wonka was produced by Quaker Oats.

Weekly Photos - 225pics | 2

Red Guy

01:51 PM - Alex Jones Show - Second Hour - Tuesday June 16, 2020

Beating Chidren

A video of black kids beating up a white boy and stealing his bike. THey laugh and record it.

White Racism

Black people are beating up white people. There is racism towards white people.

Killing Seniors

A man knocks down a woman. The man was black and the woman was old.

The United Nations said that over 100 million people are starving to death globally, because people stay at home which means no money. If you don't got money, how do buy food? If you don't have food, can you live or will you die?

WHO Quotes

WHO also said don't wear masks. WHO has said different things at different times. So, all you have to do is print out different quotes from WHO and show people WHO saying, "Wear masks" and then show them WHO saying, "Don't wear masks." Etc.

Cloudy day. Little cold for June. Mail. Branches.

02:39 PM - Lunch - Small pan of oatmeal. I almost burnt it.

Chaz Land

They pulled an American flag from a man.

Red Guy

02:50 PM - Alex Jones Show - Third Hour- Tuesday June 16, 2020

Chaz Seattle

There is fighting and especially infighting among the Chaz Citizens. Some of them want to take showers. They want to have enough food. This may not last too long. It's like a third world country.

Chaz Preacher

Infowars Rob reported today that the preacher was putting speakers in people's ears, yelling, disturbing, mentally ill, in Chaz Seattle, and that his own people threw him out. That doesn't mean that some people dislike Christianity. But at the same time, this may also be added context to that particular situation.

KKK Biden

Is Biden the leader of the KKK in 2020 and are they still running Democratic Operations still? Why is Google censoring history and especially Gone With the Wind which shows the racism of the Democrats and they try to say that was Republicans, are they trying to rewrite history to brain wash people?

Planned Parenthood

Tax dollars going to transportation as well to help people travel to the places to get abortions.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter unless if they're babies, cops, or killing each other on the streets, right?

Dancing For Jesus

03:27 PM - Hive Post

Black Lives Matter unless if they're babies, cops, or killing each other on the streets, right?

A black man shot a video in front of medical protestors. He said black lives matter. They were like yeah. Then he said what about the black cops who were killed? What about the aborted black babies? Black men are murdering other black men especially in Chicago.

He mentioned those three black groups and they were silent.

Here are some photos from the Easter of I think 1993 or possibly 1992. Most likely 1993. Easter was on Sunday, the 11th of April in 1993. We had this children event at our park in our trailer park. Here are 25 photos of that plus a few photos of a visit to McDonald's in Forest Grove. I turned eight in 1993. Crystal was three.


03:35 PM - 10 Business Principles By Patrick Bet-David From “Your Next Five Moves”

Stefan Molyneux


Men in Black, rest in peace.

Robin Williams Suicide Reference

Puts a new spin to being disowned racially in reverse where the half-white children disown their own white parents.

They dislike Kanye West who met with Trump.

@Stefan Molyneux, what do you think of the Trump executive order today regarding reforming police?

@Stefan Molyneux, should Trump wait for Chaz Seattle to fall apart on its own?

Tech Censorship

05:22 PM - What does Tommy think of tech censorship? Stefan Molyneux read that question on his live YouTube video a second ago. Tommy agrees it is terrible how the left blocks people. The technocracy is crazy.

Oatmeal Loves Honey


04:59 PM - Hive Post

1956-02 - Snow - Marilyn 01.jpg
1956-02 - Snow - Marilyn

Snow is the sugar of Heaven.

Sometimes in life, you gotta slide on the snow and enjoy the ride. Sometimes, you gotta anticipate rebounds with all your heart. Transition is fundamental when it comes to approaching incoming Promise Lands. Be ready for the spice of life. Here are some photos of my mom, Marilyn, and her family in Seattle and possibly a few pictures from Oregon as well.

Snow angels fallen from the sky.


Equality or Superiority

Women ask not for equality but for superiority because we don't see women hit in the breast with footballs but we do see men kicked in the balls. We laugh when we see men beaten but we don't want women to be treated the same as men are treated. That means we do not want equality. Same thing with black people, white people are treated badly and too many people cheer that abuse.

General Shepherd

05:47 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Tuesday - 6/16/20

Rising Challenges

07:36 PM - Hive Post

1981-04-06 - Monday - Karen, lady, Ann, Marilyn, Alan, Nathan, Katie.png
1981-04-06 - Monday - Karen, lady, Ann, Marilyn, Alan, Nathan, Katie

Put your love glasses on.

Do what you gotta do as challenges come your way. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Slow and steady wins the race. Anticipate rebounds. Be patient and yet always ongoing. Here are some random family photos from the 1900's.

Agenda 2030

Helping people see what is really going on is half the job.

Steem vs Hive

07:56 PM - Hive

Haha yeah, I wouldn't put money into Steem but I don't mind collecting and pulling money out of Steemit.

China Seattle

Seattle is donating cement walls or tabs to Chaz Chop Country (CCC), paid for by tax-payer dollars. They are building these barriers right now to help Chaz remain long-term.

Interesting Impression

10:03 PM - Hive Post

2007-11-16 - MySpace - Marilyn, Marie or Maria, and Karla.jpg
2007-11-16 - MySpace - Marilyn, Marie or Maria, and Karla

First impressions are valuable. Therefore, make them interesting. Thus, that is why the title here is Interesting Impression. As usual, here are a bunch of random photos as follows which are arguably unrelated. One of the purposes of uploading and posting photos includes simply having a backup of these pictures in case my computers and house and everything blows up. You never know.

Sports Wars

10:14 PM - Inside Details About The NBA Return At Disney | PUNISHMENT For Breaking Quarantine

Is Disney a bunch of aliens? Reminds me of when the aliens in Space Jam wanted to lock Michael Jordan and the Looney Toons on a far away planet to play and perform for them FOREVER AND EVER at Disneyland, I mean the far away world. Oh, heck, isn't that what Disney is doing, trying to enslave the Wall-E fat people up at Disney World forever?

Disney to lock up Wal-E fat-people NBA players like aliens tried to do on Space Jam.

Bike Chase

10:46 PM - Facebook

Video of Vietnamese police in a motorcycle chase to catch robbers, at times going 160 kmph. Watch how it ends.

The Marine Rapper

Music Video and Rap on Biden on Twitter

Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

11:36 PM - Hive Post

You are what you eat.

Oatmeal is an analogy designed to express foundation. By essence, we are all oatmeal, meaning we are empty jars of clay. We have the potential of becoming beautiful pottery if shaped correctly. In other words, we can become yummy. All we need is Honey which is made in the Son.

Bill Bailey's dad started calling me Oatmeal Boy in the 1990's. I decided to create an email address with the name, Oatmeal Joey, in the 2000's. Eventually, later on, when people asked me what my name was during college, I would sometimes say Oatmeal.

That nickname kind of stuck.

About Me

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History | Highlights | 1980's | 1990's | 2000's | 2010's | 2020's | 2030's | 2040's | 2050's | 2060's | 2070's | 2080's | 2090's

Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

I'm Oatmeal. It's me. I was born in 1985 in Oregon. I was homeschooled. Started making videos when I was almost eleven. Attended colleges. Worked at camps. I like to do art. I like to write. I taught English in Vietnam.

For more information, check out my About Me section. Beyond that, for even more info, check out my Autobiography in order to follow an outline of my entire life and everything.

The purpose of this post is to explain why people call me oatmeal and to include a few links for more information relating to who I am. This is a rough draft outline post. I will try to add more links and information to this post when I can. I may consider talking about some of the other nicknames I've had over the years.

I don't even have time to talk about how I was the Ice Breaker in 2008. At one time, I was Tweety. Believe me, the list goes on. Again, remember that this post is not complete. There is a lot more I want to say. Check out some of the other links for more information. To be continued.



04:00 PM - Shower. Feeling better now. More fresh. Mom is watching through Fuller House. I was there last night around 11:00 PM as she was watching through the first three episodes of season one. Now, just a day later, she is on either season two or maybe three.
06:08 PM - 07:10 PM - Nap. Pills. Larry is back now from his trip to Tennessee which started last Tuesday. White car. Mom syas she notices the 4th wall jokes ever since I told her about it in Fuller House and then she saw that Larry was coming home and said, "Larry's home" in a funny way. I searched wisk broom. Oh, small handle.
08:00 PM - 08:30 PM - Around this time, generator, metal thing for trailer.
10:00 PM - Small glass of milk. Black and white country like Gun Smoke kind of show. Guy shot out of a window. Interesting.

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