Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology


Social distancing created Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker came in to save the day. He dodges bullets or blaster lazers. Ahsoka contacts them concerning Maul. Anakin wonders why Kenobi isn't very excited? Well, he is a little bit. Ahsoka is social distancing herself from Vader. Episode ends with Maul saying to Ahsoka, "I wanted Kenobi. Why are you here?" So, social distancing turned Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader in Star Wars? Is George Lucas social distancing? Are we creating new monsters because of Stay at Home?

George & the Dragon

Around 300 A.D., Saint George, a devout Christian and Roman soldier, was going to meet up with other soldiers and came across a princess who was being sacrificed to a dragon outside of a city in Libya. He battled the dragon, stabbed the creature in a vulnerable place in the left wing. The princess led the dragon into the walled city where George killed it in front of people. And then the king asked what George wanted. I guess he didn't ask for the girl but instead wished that they believed in God and then they all got baptized and then he went on his merry way.

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Not Matt Drudge

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2020-04-18 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-18 - Saturday

Screenshot at 2020-04-18 01:31:00.png
Social Distancing Created Darth Vader

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.


12:37 AM - Doug Rivers And David Brady: COVID-19 And Politics | Hoover Virtual Policy Briefing

Hoover spreads some fake news. Trump won the popular vote in 2016 but voter fraud, etc, made it appeared as if Hillary Clinton got more votes. That is a lie as many dead people voted blue. Illegals voted. Plus, many votes for Trump were not counted and were shredded.

Oatmeal English

12:58 AM - Facebook

If you are an admin, do you want to share videos to this group?

Clone Wars

2020-04-18 - Saturday - 01:23 AM - 01:52 AM - Clone Wars 709

Anakin Skywalker came in to save the day. He dodges bullets or blaster lasers. Ahsoka contacts them concerning Maul. Anakin wonders why Kenobi isn't very excited? Well, he is a little bit. Ahsoka is social distancing herself from Vader. Episode ends with Maul saying to Ahsoka, "I wanted Kenobi. Why are you here?" So, social distancing turned Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader in Star Wars? Is George Lucas social distancing? Are we creating new monsters because of Stay at Home?

West World

2020-04-18 - Saturday - 01:55 AM - 03:00 AM - Westworld 305

Opens up with the narrative telling a story of a future where people were killing people. It was like the end of the world. These people say they build this computer thing that is to save the world. But in the real world, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and others do the same. This show reflects reality. They say people are bad. Well, I say, let's not kill people.

An amber alert was made on the smart car which then remote controlled the car. That is why I hate smart cars. They got locked in the car.

They were able to unlock the car and then there was a car chase with cool music. A missile turned around to hit a car after missing the car at first. Investing in the stock market. The matrix could predict the future. The man fell in love with the money he could make and yet the creators of the matrix fell in love with the power of control that they were getting from and via the matrix. But then the matrix was failing to predict the future.

Breaking Bad Jesse: "I would rather live in a world full of chaos than one controlled by you." By who? A guy like Bill Gates.

They give everybody information about how they may die and everything. People stare at it on their phones. Information at the right time is deadlier than any weapon. The one creator man went after his own brother perhaps. Should we kill sick people? No. A guy blows himself up. The matrix creator said he wants to keep us slave humans safe in jail to keep crazy people from causing trouble. But jail is an even bigger trouble.

Jesse says maybe people shouldn't know too much about themselves. But you wanted to know. Oh but I'm not a normal person. Delores agrees that she isn't either. Digital drugs? Is the CEO of Apple on digital drugs? They do try to sell brain phones and digital drugs to us. Is Delores the good guy or the bad guy? Are we free if the matrix knows what we will do? Yes.


Lionel Nation

10:54 AM - Live Stream: Imploding An Economy Is Not A Pandemic's Remedy

Jennifer Fleck

Banned Video

11:18 AM - Candace Owens Warns of Riots On The Streets of America

It's a quarantine when sick people are to stay at home but it is tyranny when healthy people are forced to stay at home or forced to stay in prison.


Connected new hose adapters. Tested hoses. Still got leaks. See notes below.

The Amazing Lucas

12:03 PM - Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil are RIGHT

Joe Rogan

12:17 PM - Joe Rogan Experience #1460 - Donnell Rawlings

Flu Vaccines makes people more sick. Joe Rogan is wrong about that.

Star Wars Geeks + Gamers

12:24 PM - Steemit

The Star Wars Thing thing is not concerning Battle Star. For more information, you can follow thousands of videos that talk about what I am talking about on YouTube going back to 2018 and in some cases longer by the Fandom Menace, Geeks + Gamers, Doom Cock, Nerdrotic, and others.


I hate patents, monopolies, centralization, and like you said, government can shelf things.


Yes, I have seen unidentified objects, some which may have been military air crafts, planes, helicopters, etc. Do you trust the government so much in making decisions in regards to keeping humans safe? Do you want security or freedom? Government can try to order you to stay at home inside your own prison jail dungeon cell. The lockdown is murdering millions of people in 2020 as supply chains break, as people lose jobs, incomes, work, money, income, food, etc, and starve to death. Vaccines kill people. Some become zombies. Some kill themselves because of all of that. I want freedom for better or for worse. I want the freedom to be bad. That is life, to live, to make good and bad choices as opposed to being protected from making bad choices. And everything affects everything and everything is and is not essential. And intellectual property is a lie that you may believe in. You may have fallen for the religion of intellectual property which is dangerous. I have been telling you how our thoughts can be intellectual property. They shelf things like you said which is another problem concerning intellectual property. The list goes on and on and on. The centralization of the governance over what is and is not intellectual property of who and who not is what Steemit and Hive is against. Decentralization of blockchain is against those types of centralization and isn't that why you are on Steemit and Hive? Isn't that why we have Bitcoin, etc?

What country are you from?

12:49 PM - Hive

What country are you from?

Screenshot at 2020-04-18 12:44:32 What country are you from?.png
The 2020's | Facebook Post

How do we stop Big Pharma?

Not Matt Drudge

12:59 PM - Twitter

Screenshot at 2020-04-18 13:06:58 Trump Gave Up On Drudge.png

Did anybody tell Trump that is not Matt Drudge as the website was sold and the swamp lies to Trump regarding many things. The peak is also not relevant to the value of having freedom. We don't want safety as that is slavery and imprisonment.

Screenshot at 2020-04-18 13:01:07 Not Drudge Dear Trump Twitter Swamp Lies Freedom Over Slavery.png
The 2020's | Twitter Comment to Trump | Trump Tweet

Answers in Genesis

01:24 PM - Dragons, are they real?

George the Dragon Slayer. Not Vampire Slayer like Buffy. Not a demon slayer. But a dragon slayer. Legends of dragons and dragon slayers have been around globally for thousands of years.

Dinosaurs vs Dragons

All dragons are dinosaurs but not all dinosaurs may be dragons. Greek Hydra. Daniel and the Dragon. Legend has it Daniel the prophet in the Old Testament fed a dragon, a god of the king of Babylon, and the dragon blew up. He fed the dragon to death. That was in extra chapters of the book of Daniel, chapters not included in general Christian versions of the Bible. Red Dragon of Wales saved the people from the White Dragon. Quetzalcoatl was a god of the wind, the morning and evening star, Lucifer, Satan, a god of the Maya people, Aztecs, Toltecs.

Dragons had wings like a bat. Big eyes. Mouth big enough to swallow a man. Some dragons flew from Arabia to Egypt. Marco Polo talked about these creatures. Others did as well. Did ibis birds kill dragons? What is an ibis bird? I don't know. Maybe they're extinct now. These serpents or dragons are like water snakes. Bat like wings and not feather like bird wings. Perhaps, some of these types of dinosaurs were what we call pterosaurs.

A polymath is a person with encyclopedic learning or what we might call now somebody who went to college or got a PhD I'm guessing. Maybe like a monk, somebody who could read, write, study, as many people long ago did not read and were farmers. In this computer information age, which began espicially as early as the 1980's or early in some ways and in some cases, some of this have been changing to a degree. Kircher was a polymath.

I'm a polymath. I just learned what this word meant today. In the 1600's, Athanasius Kircher was a polymath and a scholar.

How to Decline a Vaccine

02:10 PM - Facebook

Vaccine Decline Not Refuse Ask if THIS and THat is in it and they WILL SAY YES and then walk away

  1. Does the vaccine have MRC-5? Yes. Fetal cells and other DNA stuff.
  2. Does it have latrogenic reaction? Yes. When they say yes, that is your get out of vaccination jail free card.


People would say fanciful as a way to say fictional, exaggerated, inaccurate, too good to be true, stressed.

Dinosaurs Are Dragons

Correction. I guess I was wrong. I wrote the opposite. According to some, it appears that a dinosaur is a sub-category of dragon. They say some dragons flew and some dragons lived in the water. I'm guessing that dragon means creature. In other words, dragon appears to be a very general word to describe large creatures. All kinds of large creatures that is. There have been legends of the sea creatures. They were dragons in that they were creatures. We generally use the word dragon in a more specific definition the past century more so it seems, that is during the 1900's, and it seems that the meaning of dragon was more broad before the 20th century.

Food Pantry

02:20 PM - 06:00 PM - Hopped in the truck. We went to his house. I put canned foods and other food items into like 20 boxes worth of food boxes. All kinds of food. I loaded the boxes into the truck to be donated to a camp full of grace or whoever else who might take it. Anything that was opened was placed in 2 additional boxes. AKA anything not new. 4 TVs in that house. 2 stories. 1 TV per main room. Bed room, study, living room, and kitchen, all had a TV. We didn't take the gym related items. Others came to grab like a washer or a cooler and stuff to load into a white truck. A neighbor guy was there. A total of 5 guys there helping counting me for like 3 or so hours. Like 500 pounds of food or more. We probably should have not donated the food and should have been paid. I believe in free markets over the fraud of donation. I do not believe in donation. Well, there may be elements to the principles of grace which may include donating that may be of value. And I am not telling people not to donate. But my concern is in the narrow application of it as one can donate many different things. And on top of that, it depends. And we should be careful. And many different things, more on some of those things later. He also had a shelf of DVDs. He had oats.


06:00 PM - 09:00 PM - Yard work. Clean up the back yard. Some organizing. Patio. Moved stuff away from around the book shed to prepare for putting bricks around it. Moved bricks towards that shed. Did some raspberry garden weeding. Watered green house plants. Washed the dishes. Sweep. Mop. This past week or maybe past 2 weeks, mom has been watching the Gilmore Girls. First, she watching a revived season which came out in like 2016 and then she went back to watch the earlier seasons from the early 2000's. The younger daughter is kind of like Crystal she says. Smart. The daughter went to Yale.

Answers in Genesis

09:08 PM - Dragons, are they real?

Around Seattle and Canada, there was, according to legends, a Ogopogo creature, like a dragon dinosaur sea creature or snake thing.Around New York, Ghamp. Around Vietnam, Ta Prohm Petroglyph. We know China had the Chinese Dragon. Australia had the Burrunjor, like a T-Rex but smaller. Around England, Nessie, a sea monster. Indonesia had Ropen, a flying creature. Congo had the Mokele-mbembe. India had Ishtar Gate. Around Israel or towards Europe, we had Beowulf. Romans dealt with dragons and would slay them and they would even keep and preserve dragon skin and dragon jaws.


Learn more about this creature in the book of Job, chapter 40. The creature would rest under lotus trees. He can walk through the Jordan river.


This sea monster is mentioned in the next chapter, Job 41.

George & the Dragon

Around 300 A.D., Saint George, a devout Christian and Roman soldier, was going to meet up with other soldiers and came across a princess who was being sacrificed to a dragon outside of a city in Libya. He battled the dragon, stabbed the creature in a vulnerable place in the left wing. The princess led the dragon into the walled city where George killed it in front of people. And then the king asked what George wanted. I guess he didn't ask for the girl but instead wished that they believed in God and then they all got baptized and then he went on his merry way.


This one is intersting. Did dragons collect golden cups and if so then why? Could dragons talk?

Cowboys & Dragons

Did cowboys run across dragons in 1890? Did they run across a Thunderbird?

Invalid Cookie


Starts with the backstory to Alex Jones, how he rose around 1998 and how George Bush was trying to censor him on air. So, Alex got fired from his show in the early 2000's. Probably after 2001. Maybe 2002.

Laura Loomer

The documentary then on to talk about Laura Loomer.

Sandy Hook

Fake News lied about what Alex Jones said about Sandy Hook. First off, it is a complex issue. Second, Alex interviewed different people who said different things. Third, Alex is not saying people did not die. And I can go on and on. Complex issue, like I said. Think deep. Dive deep into topics. It takes many hours to understand a topic. but people read headlines and not the articles. They get too distracted by fake news which isolates and takes things out of context. Alex has helped people see the truth. I promote Tommy Robinson. Patriots like Gavin got banned.

Nap for an hour.

Vietnamese Meet Terminator

11:58 PM - Facebook

Romelus Saladar shared this video of Mai Bích Planet and Tran Hara where she is like hi I am in Hollywood now. That is the intro. The video clip to follow has trying to call to ask for her dry cleaners to do her clothes, the one with the fish sauce on it. Bad reception as Arnold the Terminator came to earth from the future. SHe says she can see his ding dong and says she can give him sexy underwear.

Oatmeal English

11:59 PM - Facebook

Please remove anything that is not in English. If you're an admin, you could remove spam posts and trolls any time you want.



Answers in Genesis

01:24 PM - Dragons, are they real?




Random Notes

jennifer lived across the street and opposite of big

Larry Bird. Michael Jordan. I like basketball. Came home with hose adapters. He accused me of doing things I didn't do. That has been happening for years and not just with me. He said I was holding onto the wrong parts of the hose. I was not. He said it on the assumption that I broke it. We're talking about the soaker hoses for the raspberry garden. Since 2018, it seems to me that they already had a leak. It may have been old. The leaks comes at the end, where you connect one hose to another hose. The leaks come from different points on both ends where the two hoses meet and between the adapters. So, there appears to be several different problems or leaks. I wrote a little bit about this in my yesterday blog post. He bought some hose adapters today. He believed that some parts were missing and that is why he bought more pieces. He tells me things I already know. Sometimes, he does this. He kind of assumes sometimes that I don't know certain things. But he never really asks and he focuses on surface level appearances in many situations. I can talk all day about this. He doesn't really listen to people sometimes and that makes me sad. He could be getting older and could be busy and distracted. Those could be excuses. That is too bad. He accused me of losing pieces and yet I did not. He accuses me of breaking things on the assumption that I can only do that as I do break things. But not really break things. For example, I break cheap shovels and rakes. I work too hard and things are made in China. Lawn mowers break. Many things are made too cheap and poor. Instead of blaming the products which do suck, he has blamed me at times. Including the blades on the tiller machine and the list goes on. Things should be made in America. Things should be made better. Perhaps, in the 1950's, when he was a kid, some things were made Ford Tough. Some items were made stronger. But you need to realize the decline over the years.

Dan Beaty

He replied and said on the top of his head that they started attending our CCBC church that I grew up attending around 1995 and 1996 and that is probably true.


Mom just said: "And Joey said wow." Oh, I just got quoted. Oh wow, so profound. A one word quote. How insightful. Wow. I must be the Pope if a single word has that much weight and value lol.

Ao Khoac Han Quoc Sieu Re is now connected to 214 of my pages and 125 of my Facebook groups.

I am in 996 Facebook groups via JAVN right now.


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Dick Virus

The Oatmeal Challenge

Wendy, you are very bendy.

Jigsaw Pieces Part One: The Corona (Crown) Key To Agenda 2030 & The One World Incorporated

Free Speech— Right to express yourself.

What country are you from?

Not Matt Drudge

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