Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology


# [Click here to watch Tommy Robinson YouTube Videos.]( [Trump Tweet: "I'm not a fan of Bitcoin: Is Trump a Rothschild Lover?]( [Killing Tommy Robinson.]( Trump's First Social Media Summit. [Resistance Chicks.]( Ray Donovan 608, 609; Alan Alda. [Alex Jones is talking right now about the fundamentals to business.]( [Alex Jones Did Nothing Wrong.]( Social Summit Waste: [Adriene @ajweeks asked if others agreed. So far, yeah.]( # Yard Work Cut the grass around 1 PM. Put dirt and grass back around the sewer cover thing. Weeded. Dug. Around the raspberry garden. Washed the dishes. Got the mail. # New Friends [FCUK 45: @CarasZoo](
# [By Oatmeal Joey]( [Contact Me]( - [Facebook]( - [Infowars]( - [Discord]( - [Steemit]( - [Telegram]( - [Other Social Networks]( # # [My Life in 2019]( [January]( - [February]( - [March]( - [April]( - [May]( - [June]( - [July]( - [August]( [![DJT Bitcoin 01 Screenshot at 2019-07-11 21:09:14.png](]( [Trump - Rothschild Puppet?](
Some highlights from 2019-07-11 - Thursday, as follows: # [FCUK 45: @CarasZoo]( On her Twitter Bio, she wrote: "We’re living in a break glass, pull the emergency cord era. WE the people are the only ones left to defeat RepubliKKKans. My fur/human children keep me going." # The Fourth Amendment 12:00 AM - [Naomi Brockwell]( - [Edward Snowden: Privacy and Bitcoin, at Bitcoin 2019 Conference]( # # Wisdom Thread 12:00 AM - [I love money. I love having wisdom.]( # Chase The Patriot 12:00 AM - [I agree with what Chase is saying and that is a big problem, with what China is doing in trying to get people to not vote Trump.]( # Naomi Brockwell 12:03 AM - @skycorridors - [You remind me of my older sister who plays guitar, from Oregon. She moved to New York as well around the same time. Love the passion. How can you fall in love with somebody you don't even know? Good question.]( # Infowars Open Mic 12:05 AM -[Submit your open mic videos here.]( # Resistance Chicks 12:28 AM - [Religion is a science.]( Religion and the law are twin sisters. Working hand in hand. You can not have one without the other. # [Resistance Chicks]( [Transhumanism, Transformation, Cliff High, A. 3m3ric J0n3s, Jason Goodman, Bitcoin, Tommy Robinson]( - [Bitchute]( - [Minds]( - [Free Zoxee]( # # Serious about the Truth. We live or die by it! Do not believe and Trust everyone. Trust must be earned over a long period of Time. This is a very Biblical concept. There is a false religion leading the World into a serious destruction of all mankind. False religions always lead to wars, tribalism, human sacrifice, human tortures, magic, wizardry, mysticism, witchcraft, voodooism, etc. all roads lead to destruction. Where as for centuries Christianity lead men into civilization, liberty, freedom from false beliefs of the Ancestors who worshiped fake God's made with the hands of men out of their imagination by what they see around them. Men put their hope in God to show them the Truth. Evil men weaseled their way into governments to get you and everyone on earth to forget Almighty God and serve them and their false gods instead. That was their purpose to make a class society of wealthy and slaves. Whereas with God All men are created by God endowed with certain unalienable rights. So I'm here to help you get this monkey off your back and understand Christianity isn't the murderous barbaric Religion you have been taught to hate and fear. Contact Us: Resistance Chicks P.O. Box 107 Milford, OH 45150 E-mail: [email protected] # Naomi Brockwell 12:53 AM - [ビットコイン 月に行く - Naomi Brockwell (Bitcoin's Going To The Moon)]( - This would have 100 million views if this was published in 2009, back when YouTube still had the YOU in YouTube. # Watching 2019-07-11 - Thursday - 12:58 AM - 01:50 AM - Ray Donovan 608 2019-07-11 - Thursday - 01:51 AM - 02:47 AM - Ray Donovan 609 - Alan Alda # Local Communities Unite 10:44 AM - [@Benoaks, good thread.]( [Alex Jones is talking right now about the fundamentals to business.]( Alex said that it's not merely about Alex. Most of us already get what Alex was saying. But it's always good to be reminded about the value we have in local communities and how the globalists try to push us away from that. Alex was talking how Infowars began making money, the philosophy behind it is very simple, make a good product and sell it. Over time, it grows and people return to it, again and again. If you build it, they will come, as they say. The point was not simply about Infowars but about all of us. Of course, we get that. So, you probably already know this. But it's still powerful to be reminded of the value of family first and community first. That's part of the secret to overcoming the globalists. It's not merely about boycotting Nike, etc. It's about pooling together to support patriots while buying things that we all love. The way that Alex said it today really inspired me. Did you watch him today? He was talking about it a few minutes ago. It was very powerful. We should always encourage men to be men. That really begins with training up the boys. Jesse Lee Peterson talks about that. Two key priorities 1. Boys 2. Girls Secondly, girls can be taught how to become great women. What I'm saying is common sense philosophy which was passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years. Globalists have been trying to get us to forget about what we've always known. That's why they try to burn down history. But the good news is that we will never forget. Yesterday, I was talking to somebody that knows about geoengineering, human giant hybrids, etc. I was a little surprised. Believe it or not, but so many people are awake. So many people are red-pilled. Even people you don't think know. They know some of it. Even people you might least expect. They may not listen to Infowars. They may not even like Alex Jones. But so many people know what's happening. They may not know everything you know. But you would be surprised with what they do know. That's the good news. But you won't know until you ask. If you want to know who is a patriot. Just ask around. # Infcomms Debate 10:54 AM- [Should the Infocomms have a login portal? Yes or no? I say no.]( # Privacy Debate 10:56 AM - [@keyrobinfo18, did you know that government is trying to stop Libra, the Facebook digital money thing? Not a Bitcoin. It's not cryptocurrencies. Libra is more like a fake cryptocurrency, a counterfeit.]( Should money be centralized and oversighted by Rothschild? # Betty Rose @Invalidcookie, that post is not public, it's only for her friends. That means you can't see it if you're not her friend on Facebook, because it doesn't have that globe icon. [Her Facebook is Betty Rose.]( # Unity Debate 11:13 AM - [@cyberpunkspike, are you underselling the value of talk?]( I like Infocomms and I like that there is no login portal. @Bingozee, what is your end goal? Bingozee might be the Terminator, from the future. @Bingozee, but how is that goal not our goal as well? @Bingozee, do you know anybody who disagrees with that? @Bingozee, how many people here are trying to globalize government? # Infocomms Debate 11:18 AM - [@Bingozee is right. That's why I'm using Ubuntu Mate 16.04.]( # Leviticus Thread 11:48 AM - [@Vitt, are you saying that you have a problem with Griff?]( # Voter Fraud 11:51 AM - [But don't we already know who own them and make them?]( We all know they mostly come from Soros, right? What doesn't trace back to Rothschild? # Phone Debate 11:53 AM - [If your phone is controlled by Google's Android, Microsoft, or Apple, then that is a problem.]( Kansas Group 12:20 PM - [Should we burn down the Internet?]( # Rothschild Thread 12:24 PM - [Is Rothschild a puppet of other people even more secret?]( I'm no longer going to drink water because I saw dirt in it. Just kidding. # Twitter Is Down 12: 26 PM - [Thread]( - [Alex Jones]( is talking about this right now. [Twitter is down.]( [I searched Trump on Twitter Mobile and got nothing. It says: "Twitter is over capacity." Please wait a few moments."]( Now, it's working. Twitter has been partly up but I wasn't able to see [Trump's Twitter]( as of 2 PM PST. Now, at 3 PM, I can see that Trump shared a video from Jon Voight on Twitter. [TheBubbaNews]( - [ Breaking NEW Today LIVE FACEBOOK VIOLENCE TWITTER DOWN SOCIAL MEDIA SUMMIT]( # Will Sommer [The social media summit features Kellyanne Conway interviewing Diamond & Silk.]( Ali Alexander is there but Alex Jones is not. # FEMA REGION POLL 02:10 PM - [Which FEMA Region do you represent?]( FEMA Region I FEMA Region II FEMA Region III FEMA Region IV FEMA Region V FEMA Region VI FEMA Region VII FEMA Region VIII FEMA Region IX FEMA Region X FEMA Region 01 FEMA Region 02 FEMA Region 03 FEMA Region 04 FEMA Region 05 FEMA Region 06 FEMA Region 07 FEMA Region 08 FEMA Region 09 FEMA Region 10 # FEMA Region 01 [CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT]( # FEMA Region 02 [NJ, NY, PR, VI]( # FEMA Region 03 [DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV]( # FEMA Region 04 [AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN]( # FEMA Region 05 [IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI]( # FEMA Region 06 [Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, & Texas]( # FEMA Region 07 [IA, KS, MO, NE]( # FEMA Region 08 [CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY]( # FEMA Region 09 [Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, & the Pacific Islands]( # FEMA Region 10 [Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington]( [Take the new poll here]( [FEMA Region Index Map]( # Alex Jones Did Nothing Wrong 02:38 PM - [@MAGA_TITAN has an awesome Alex Jones impersonation as seen on the War Room today, Thursday.]( # Poster Contest Winner 02:41 PM - [@MAGA_TITAN is brilliant. I love the Alex Jones masks.]( Somebody else should get a Hulk Hogan mask. Then have a Hulk Hogan & Alex Jones screaming contest. # Trump Chant Ideas 03:21 PM - [New Chant:]( George Soros got's to go. Hey Hey. Ho Ho. George Soros Got's To Go. CNN & Antifa, sitting in a tree. [Catholics Burning History. Yeah Yeah.]( # Fox News 03:27 PM - [Joy Villa Confronts Lying Media]( #
# Social Summit Waste 03:36 PM - [Adriene @ajweeks asked if others agreed. So far, yeah.]( # The Sandy Hook Thread - Andy Parker vs Google 03:54 PM - [Thread]( - [In this video, Andy Parker talked about what Google did to spread Sandy Hook.]( #
# Facebook Banned 04:43 PM - [I've been getting month-long banned off Facebook since at least 2014, several times or more each year.]( # Citizen Question Debate 04:49 PM - [Actually, they're not supposed to ask any questions.]( Privacy means no questions at all. But privacy is only for citizens. Therefore, if you're not a citizen, the 4th amendment does NOT apply. Therefore, non-citizens can be asked. Because they're not protected by those rights. I mean, they're not supposed to be protected by those rights. # Killing Tommy Robinson 05:18 PM - [Thread]( - [Baked Blunts]( - [Katie Hopkins: Court Made Up A Law To Convict Tommy Robinson]( - Katie Hopkins claims the UK court that wrongly convicted Tommy Robinson had to make up a law to charge and convict the citizen journalist. #
# Social Media Summit 05:55 PM - [Joshie Bear - Twitter Blackout During Social Media Summit - Major Schumer/Epstein Ties]( [daryl lawson]( - [TWITTER PURPOSELY GOES DOWN: DuringTrump SOCIAL MEDIA SUMMIT?]( # # Infowars Live 06:05 PM - [You can sometimes find YouTube Infowars live-streams from random unknown baby channels that pop out of nowhere like weeds in the garden. I go to YouTube, I type in "INFOWARS" and I click on "PREFERENCE" and then I click on "LIVE" and I can find live streams of Infowars.]( @greatgonzochops, Bitchute Live began in 2019, as far as I know. I first noticed it about a month ago or so. Pretty new. @keyrobinfo18, that's right. 1. Taxation is theft. 2. How much money does government waste? 3. Is Facebook a reboot of Life Log? 4. Who are the editors of these platforms? 5. You had me at Fascism. # Fate of the Future 06:31 PM - [The fate of the future is up to the people.]( # Copyright Debate 06:33 PM - [How do you enforce copyrights internationally?]( # Phone Data 07:19 PM - [@Abraces, can you switch to WIFI mode in order to avoid using any data?]( # Freaky UFO Moments 07:30 PM - [Since the 1990's, I've noticed weird things over the land-line phone at home, and I felt like people were listening. I was born in 1985 in Oregon and I was only a kid back then, so I could be wrong. Maybe I was just imagining things.]( Around 2007, I got my first cell phone and began hearing weird things as well. So, I've encountered unexplained things in my life, off and on. Obviously, I'm not the only one hearing and seeing things. What things? Depending on the situation, maybe extraterrestrial sometimes. Maybe big brother. Maybe China. Maybe any combinations of different things, people, etc. # Copyright Debate 07:33 PM - [Europe either passed or was trying to pass a Link Tax for example. Also, the EU was also trying to ban memes. Also, they're attempting to murder Tommy Robinson, etc.]( # Banning Car Mechanics 07:35 PM - [How would they enforce that law if you're hiding in your garage?]( # Trump Tweet: "I'm not a fan of Bitcoin." 09:48 PM - [Is Trump a Rothschild Lover?]( [Click here to read the tweet on Twitter where President Donald J. Trump talks about Bitcoin today, Thursday, the 11th of July, 2019. Trump said he is not a fan of Bitcoin.]( # Lack of Vision [Mike Cernovich responded: "This is a major mistake on your part and shows a lack of vision!"]( # Was Dominant [Peter Schiff added: "The dollar may have been the dominant currency in the past, and while it still appears to dominate in the present, it will not in the near future. Your record budget and trade deficits, and the forthcoming return to ZIRP and QE, policies you advocate, will end that dominance!"]( # [Click here to watch a video about that Trump tweet.]( # Naomi Brockwell [ Trump tweets about Bitcoin: "Not a fan"]( - Trump tweeted about Bitcoin this evening, mentioning that he doesn't believe it's money, and that it's volatile and created out of thin air. Caitlin Long had a great response to him on twitter. I talk about the great points she raised, and also about why Trump shouldn't be scared of competition if he believes in USD so strongly. #
# # Not a Fan of Bitcoin Trump wrote: ["I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money,]( and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity.... ....Similarly, Facebook Libra’s “virtual currency” will have little standing or dependability. If Facebook and other companies want to become a bank, they must seek a new Banking Charter and become subject to all Banking Regulations, just like other Banks, both National... ...and International. We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever, both dependable and reliable. It is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the World, and it will always stay that way. It is called the United States Dollar!" # Surviving 09:57 PM - [We need to invent solar power appliances that uses Bitcoin.]( # Free Tommy Robinson 10:11 PM - [They are chanting: "Pedophile Protectors..... Muhammad is Pedo."]( # [Tommy Robinson Videos]( 10:27 PM - [Click here to watch Tommy Robinson YouTube Videos](
# [Chronology of My Biography]( [1920's]( - [1960's]( - [1980's]( - [1985]( - [1986]( - [1987]( - [1988]( - [1989]( - [1990's]( - [1990]( - [1991]( - [1992]( - [1993]( - [1994]( - [1995]( - [1996]( - [1997]( - [1998]( - [1999]( - [2000's]( - [2002]( - [2003]( - [2004]( [ - 2005]( - [2007]( - [2008]( - [2009]( - [2010]( - [2011]( - [2012]( - [2013]( - [2014]( - [2015]( - [2016]( - [2017]( - [2018]( - [2019]( # [Resistance Chicks]( [Transhumanism, Transformation, Cliff High, A. 3m3ric J0n3s, Jason Goodman, Bitcoin, Tommy Robinson]( - [Bitchute]( - [Minds]( - [Free Zoxee]( #
# 2019-07-11 - Thursday [Published in July of 2019]( [by Oatmeal]( [Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) (@oatmealjoey) in Shelton, WA, USA]( - [Biography]( - [Contact Me]( [ - Taught English in Vietnam]( - [Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed]( - [My Newsfeed]( - [Forbidden News]( - [Infowars Activism Forum]( # Naomi Brockwell 12:53 AM - [ビットコイン 月に行く - Naomi Brockwell (Bitcoin's Going To The Moon)]( - This would have 100 million views if this was published in 2009, back when YouTube still had the YOU in YouTube.
# [Contact Me - My Social Networks]( [About Me]( - [Oatmeal Joey Arnold]( - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: [Bitchute]( - [BearShares]( - [Brighteon]( - [Busy]( - [Chess]( - [Discord]( - [Facebook]( - [Freezoxee]( - [Gab]( - [IWA]( - [@joeyarnoldvn]( - [Minds]( - [Oatmeal Joey]( - [RSS]( - [Serey]( - [Smoke]( - [Steemit]( - [Tagged]( - [Trump Town]( - [Tumblr]( - [Twitter]( - [Weku]( - [YouTube]( - [Other Social Networks](
# Trump [LIVE - Social Network Summit - RSBN]( #
# Chronology Outline [2019-07-10 - Wednesday]( [2019-07-11 - Thursday]( [2019-07-12 - Friday]( Published at 2019-07-12 - Friday - 12:00 AM PST LMS JA
# Deplorable Choir [Real Women Vote Trump Song]( #
# I like to write about [Agenda 2030]( - [Animal Heart]( - [Articles]( - [Art]( - [Books]( - [Church]( - [Climate Change]( - [Comedy]( - [Education]( - [Entertainment]( - [Family Protection]( - [Forbidden News]( [ - Free Write]( - [Free Speech]( - [Freedom]( - [Frog Fighters]( - [Future]( - [Games]( - [Health]( - [How To DIY]( - [Info Moms]( - [Information War]( - [Invasion]( - [Law]( - [Memes]( - [Music]( - [Networks]( - [News]( - [Open Mic]( - [Religion]( [ - Science]( - [Social Networks]( - [Star Wars]( - [Technology]( - [Travel]( - [Info Moms Discord]( # # The Fourth Amendment 12:00 AM - [Naomi Brockwell]( - [Edward Snowden: Privacy and Bitcoin, at Bitcoin 2019 Conference]( #
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