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What food should be eaten if gastic?


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Gastric or stomach gas problem is not new in our life nowadays. Eating a little fried or spicy food starts the problem of uncomfortable gas. And there are very few people who do not suffer from this problem. Day by day this problem is increasing. More or less everyone can have gastric problems. Always have to keep gastrotric medicine with you. Many times even taking regular medicine does not cure this problem. Medicines also have various side effects. Instead, you are causing other problems by taking excess gastric medicine. But there are some home foods that can be easily saved from gas, heartburn.

Cold milk relieves acidity by controlling gastric acid in the stomach. Drinking a glass of cold milk keeps acidity at bay.

_People who often suffer from gastric and indigestion problems should eat soaked raisins daily on an empty stomach. You will get immediate benefits. Raisin water has cooling properties, which relieves acidity by reducing stomach acid. Raisin water is very beneficial for the intestines. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce intestinal inflammation.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papaya which improves digestion. Regular consumption of ripe papaya reduces gas problems.

Cashew helps in increasing our digestive power. By doing this, the food is digested quickly, thereby eliminating the problem of gas in the stomach.

Eat it in the sun in pieces and it will work. Ginger is very useful in solving stomach gas and indigestion problems. Add ginger or some amount to food.

_Jira is very effective in stomach gas, vomiting, diarrhea, blood disorders etc. In case of fever, mix 50 grams of cumin in sugarcane powder and make five pills of 10 grams each. Taking one pill three times a day will cure fever with sweating.

_ Eating lemon often increases the problem of gas. So you can eat oranges. This fruit with vitamin C helps to eliminate excess sodium in the stomach. This gets rid of the gas problem.

_ Cucumber is a very effective food to keep the stomach cool. It contains flavonoids and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the occurrence of gas in the stomach.

Eating bananas can get rid of gas problems. Banana also has the ability to relieve constipation due to its soluble fiber. Eat at least two bananas a day. Pair of bananas to keep the stomach clean.

Very good for digestion. Boil a glass of water with half a spoonful of cinnamon powder and consume it two to three times a day to keep gas away.

Chia seeds have anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in treating the symptoms of acid reflux. It is also rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. They can be added to cold drinks, smoothies, fruit juices, yogurts, porridges, puddings, etc. (after soaking in water). It will get rid of gastric problem quickly.

Ginger is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory foods. If you have flatulence and stomach gas, grind ginger and eat it raw with salt, you will see that the gas problem will be solved

_ Cloves can get rid of your gout problem in no time. Sucking 2/3 cloves by mouth relieves heartburn, nausea, gas on one side. Also removes bad breath.

Basil leaves produce mucus in our stomach. So to get the benefits of tulsi leaves, you have to eat it regularly. Try boiling 2/3 of the leaves in the tea in the morning and drink that tea. It will be of great benefit.

_ Mustard helps to cure gas. Mustard is added to various foods so that those foods do not cause gas in the stomach.

Boil five mint leaves in a cup of water and eat. There is no substitute for flatulence and nausea.

Fennel works very quickly to reduce gas pain. That's why you should chew fennel after eating. There is no fear of acid in it. Also, before going to sleep at night, soak fennel in clean water and keep it covered. Get up the next morning and strain the water. Now drink that water on an empty stomach. No more gas problem all day long. The stomach will not be swollen.

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