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Reheated food is harmful to health?


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Repeated heating of food can be harmful to health, as it can cause bacterial growth and change the nutritional value of the food. Repeated heating of certain foods like rice, chicken, eggs, etc. increases the chances of bacterial growth and can cause food poisoning. Also, repeated reheating of food may result in some loss of nutrients.

### Causes of loss:

1. **Growth of bacteria:** Bacteria can grow rapidly after food is cooled, especially if it is not stored at the correct temperature for 4-6 hours.

2. **Nutritional degradation:** Repeated heating can degrade the quality of some vitamins and minerals.

3. **Taste Changes:** Repeated heating can change the taste and texture of food, which reduces acceptability.

### Preventive measures:

1. Refrigerate food by cooling it quickly after cooking.

2. To be thoroughly warmed before eating, so that it is thoroughly warmed through.

3. Taking out food as needed at once and not reheating repeatedly.

Reheating food can make it somewhat safer to eat if these precautions are followed. However, caution should always be exercised.

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