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Trimming of Miorelaxing Plate


Hello to all the community, a myorelajate plate is one that is indicated to patients suffering from bruxism, it is made with a sheet of acrylic and objective of this is to protect the occlusal surfaces of the teeth to wear, with its antagonist.



These patients usually do it unconsciously, it is used mostly at night when the patient clicks his teeth avoiding to count the antagonist teeth, clicking on the palate.


It is a protector because it protects the teeth from wear and sensitivity that produces in this case I will show you the cutting of the myorelaxing plate.


After pressing the acetate plate on the model we proceed to trim the plate with a disc to cut around the model.



After we cut it out we take it out of the model and give it the last touches to ease the edges and leave it as smooth as possible.


Cave to emphasize that these plates are individual, it should be used more than everything in the nights that is when the habit is present, this is associated to situations of stress.


This plate besides protecting dietary messes also makes the muscles of the face rest.


It should be washed with liquid soap or shampoo, not with toothpaste because the components damage the material.



My recommendation:

The patient who suffers from this habit should have this plaque done as a solution to their wear problems, it is done in the office overnight.

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Original Photos CRO Odontoven, Bogota

Editor Program: Foto Collage

Camera: Huawei Y6II




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