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Dr, How do you measure the Dize of the tooth?


Hello to all the community, many of my patients have asked me how do we measure the teeth to perform an endodontic treatment, in an optimal way and that in the end the result is successful and long lasting


It is very simple to obtain this data, and at the same time it is very important, to perform a safe work, and not to hurt the tissues at periapical level, we must be sure that we will cover the entire length of the canal, without leaving any space without working.


After making the opening we obtain access to the pulp chamber, we reach the canal, in this case we are working on tooth 21 (upper left central incisor) and we use the first series file # 35, of medium thickness, we can say that all teeth have standard or average measures and for this tooth usually has a length of 21 mm, from the incisal edge to the apex.


The instruments used to make biomechanical preparation are called files, these files have a rubber stop, as shown in the image, which helps us to mark the measurement of the canal.


The file is introduced gently and reaches a point where the canal offers resistance, there is the limit, then the rubber stopper is adjusted to the crown of the tooth, with this data we go and measure with a millimeter ruler the instrument and write down what would be the tentative length, which we then verify with a periapical radiograph, to obtain the radiographic length, (there is a margin of error between 0.5 to 1.5 mm).


The two lengths are added and divided by 2 to obtain the average, the result will be the working length. With this measurement is that the biomechanical preparation of the duct will be performed, without causing discomfort to the patient.


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By @helengutier2




Original Photos CRO Odontoven, Bogota

Camera: Huawei Y6II

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