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World Epilepsy Day Februari 10th , 2020


World Epilepsy Day 10 February 2020

Epilepsy has many manifestations. It also often is combined with other disorders, sometimes with behavioral aspects. Patients are monitored both at institution level and in a home situation. For parents and Healthcare workers, children with epilepsy are at risk. Mostly at night in their beds.

A week earlier, on 3 February 2020, there was a well-attended symposium on 'night care' in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. 

The vast majority of institutions take a positive view of supporting technology in (night) care and use home automation from standard monitoring and alarm systems to advanced sensors and camera surveillance. With the arrival of increasingly smarter systems and sensors, dilemmas in the area of ​​independence versus supervision and privacy versus security can be better addressed. An important factor here is the attitude of relatives.

One of the workshops dealt with the use of technology in monitoring with epilepsy. Oxygensaturation measurement is still used sometimes for night-time monitoring in the home situation. Certainly, oxygen saturation in the blood will fall with a major epilepsy attack. But then you are already in a full blown attack. That was precisely the reason for me and others to look for a solution where other signals could send an early signal. This led to the development of the Nightwatch, which is now well developed and available in our country. But these applications also have their limitations. The workshop and an earlier introduction were provided by employees of the Kempenhaeghe Epilepsy Center in the Netherlands (Peeters, Lazeron and Tan). 

Nightwatch Wearables


Websites rapport-nachtzorg.pdf noticeable- a- noticeable-safety-improvement-bij-epilepsy/


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