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The history of the city. Passage of the Yaushev brothers


The history of the trading city on the Great Silk Caravan Route, where trade between Asia and Europe, between East and West originated. Black and white photography from the series - History and modernity. I showed three photos showing the same building of the Yaushev brothers Trading House. The building is located in the city of Troitsk. The first photo is the 21st century, the second is the 19th century. You can see what changes have taken place during this time. The third photo of the 21st century is our time to understand what this building has become today. That's the story, that's how we keep the sights.




The history of the city of Troitsk is interesting and diverse, from spirituality and enlightenment to the development of the Cossacks and merchants. The religion here has always been mixed - Orthodoxy and Islam. That is, the city had the status of an ethnically Slavic-Turkic direction. The peoples who inhabited this place have always lived side by side. These are Russians, Germans, Jews, Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz. The city of Troitsk itself was founded in 1743 on the border in front of the Great Steppe (Kaisak-Kirghiz Steppe), as an outpost of the Russian Empire. But the city was also a significant spiritual center of both Orthodoxy and Islam. Troitsk itself is conveniently located in the interfluve, being in the middle of the Uy and Uvelka rivers (Turkic names). From the name itself, it is clear that the city was named after the Holy Trinity, and the Trinity Fair always opened on this day. At first it was barter, and then, by decree of Catherine II, the fair became a large and small wholesale. Both European and Asian goods were traded here.



Every week, packed caravans came to the city, which left Troitsk for China, Central and Central Asia, and from here they brought strange goods, jewelry, oriental spices, carpets and unprecedented fruits to the West. Even American companies traded at the fair, selling famous hard drives. These rifles were in great demand in Asia. The Trinity Fair in the Russian Empire occupied the third place in terms of turnover – after the Nizhny Novgorod and Irbit fairs. But it differed from these fairs in that trade in Troitsk took place from the first days of June to the end of November. The Nizhny Novgorod Fair lasted two months, and the Irbit Fair lasted only one month a year. And, as we understand it, all merchants from these fairs went straight to Troitsk. The city with its rapid economic development, international trade, multi-confessional, multinational, multilingual, multiethnic can be called the new Babylon. All this had a striking impact not only on the development of the region, but also on the development of trade between the Russian Empire and the countries of the East and West. This city was seen by all visitors, taking it more like an oriental, Asian one. And so, in fact, he has remained to this day.



The 18th and 19th centuries became the most flourishing for the construction of the city. Over the years, many beautiful stone houses were built, in which merchants, industrialists and rich nobles lived. 12 Orthodox churches and a diocese, 7 mosques and madrasahs, a Jewish synagogue and a German Catholic cathedral were also built. The city was built according to the German plan, which is clearly visible on its streets today. Troitsk also had its own theater, and until 1914 a second drama theater was built, which was never launched. A real technical school was opened, where engineers were trained, mostly for the railway built by the Trinity merchants from Chelyabinsk to Kostanay. Two gymnasiums were opened for the education of children - men's and women's. There were also two cinemas and a circus. The German Zucker opened a brewery and produced beer "Siberian Bavaria". It is noteworthy that 105 newspapers and magazines were published in the city, almost every merchant had his own small printing house. A shopping arcade and a first-class hotel were built in the city for guests of the city, more than visiting merchants.



ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Original photos on the topic – Passage of the Yaushev brothers. Creative publication on the Serey platform. Sony Camera 16.2.


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