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The Sky


Hello friends 

Good morning everyone how are you all doing moment it's another awful day hope you all are having a joyous day so moment I want to let you all know what the world sky is so read to the end and understand.
The world sky comes from the Old Norse sky, meaning' pall, residence of God' some common effects that we all can see in the sky are shadows, drops, the Sun, the Moon, stars, aeroplanes , harpies, and catcalls. Some of the effects that are in the sky are easy to see, and some effects are harder to see.

The atmosphere is made substantially of the feasts nitrogen( 78), and oxygen( 21). Argon gas and water( in the form of vapor, driblets and ice chargers) are the coming most common effects. There are also small quantities of other feasts, plus numerous small solid patches, like dust, soot and ashes, pollen, and swab from the abysses.

Some people typically ask rainfall the sky is blue or violet so now this is the answer, It turns out our sky is violet, but it appears blue because of the way our eyes work. We do not see individual wavelengths. rather, the retinas of our eyes have three types of color sensitive cells known as cones.
Thank for your time. 
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