"For which of you when you want to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it" (Luke 14:28).
Good planning is the sure way to good living and also the very way out of frustration and regrets. Many people are living in regrets today because of hasty decisions and poor planning. It is the will of God that His children should live free of regrets, worry and debts. Our text this morning tells us more.
In Luke 14:28-32, Jesus clearly taught the crowd that gathered to hear Him the importance of planning and planning well. He said that anyone who intends to build a tower must first sit down, calculate the cost, and check if he has enough to complete the project. Thus, there is no haste in building. By sitting down, calculating the cost, and checking one's financial strength, one is carefully planning and taking into consideration all the necessary factors before engaging a building project.
If a person fails to sit down, calculate the cost and check the strength of his finance before embarking on a building project, the person risks not completing the project. Having an uncompleted project brings mockery, worry, restlessness and shame. The way out is proper planning. It is better not to begin than to begin and not finish. Plan well today!
Good planning is the sure way to good living and also the very way out of frustration and regrets.