Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

Happiness doesn't cost a lot

![e1.jpg]( As usual, my life adventure started. Usually, I didn't plan to do anything or to go anywhere. What I planned was please give me some interesting life experience. I just got out of the city and go to the province without planning which province to go. On the way, I saw one life which was a little bit different from other life. A life inside the ugly stream canal. ![e2.jpg]( I went pass by this scenery and it caught my eyes, I want to experience her life. I went back and asked her, "What are you doing here?" she said, she collected a vegetable called "ត្រកួន Tro kun" for eat and sell. I told her that I came from Phnom Penh and just to hang around and experience life. I want to have lunch with her, I will pay for the meal and she agreed. ![e3.jpg]( She started to packed the stuffs and went home and I just followed her. ![e4.jpg]( Here is her house with 2 daughters and her husband, other daughters were moving else where to find jobs. ![e5.jpg]( Look at what they are eating every day. ![e6.jpg]( You know what, happiness doesn't cost a lot, it just need a little amount of money with a warm heart. I spent only a few thousands riels to buy meat and vegetable and here was our foods. ![e7.jpg]( ![e8.jpg]( ![e9.jpg]( After having lunch together, I discussed a little bit with her husband about their life story and after that I left them with 100,000 riels. My mission was complete and it's time to go back home By. @Cryptopreneur
0.000 SRY$0.00
