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📸**The Roman City Of Chester - The City Surrounded By A Roman Wall

[![0eecb9f3-ba09-4474-a30f-07e268108f72.jpeg](]( #### The Roman City Of Chester - The City Surrounded By A Roman Wall Chester City - Amazing - History surrounds you at every turn. You can access the Roman Wall that surrounds the city at many points, I highly recommend doing this walk before anything else as you will see plenty and from there you can decide where to venture. When you get to the city center you will find a tourist shop ask which shops around the city have protected Roman Archeology, the shops will allow you down to there basement to see these amazing finds. [image]( #### FREE Bither Coins every 2 hours - #### FREE Swift Demand Coins 100 per day - ![111111Congrats! (15).png]( ![Report HEADER 2 - Dcommunity.PNG](
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