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Primer Dia de Clases de Daniela en Preescolar / Daniela's First Day of Preschool Classes


Agradecida con la plataforma, porque por medio de ella pude comprar los utiles escolares, vestimenta y calzado para mi hija, todos los gastos que estan relacionado a su educación. Su primer dia de clases fue emocionante tanto para ella como para mi.

Un dia antes hable con ella de nueva aventura que iba a ver en su vida, que era la educacion, en donde aprenderia cosas nuevas, tendria nuevos amigos, una maestra que la guiara durante su recorrido, mi hija estaba feliz porque tendria nuevos amigos, ella ha crecido con personas mayores, muy poco a compartido con niños de su edad. La mañana siguiente se levanto temprano, se ducho, desayuno y ayudo a vestirse.


Estaba muy feliz me hacia pregunta de como sera el salon, y sus nuevos amigos. Dentro de mi crei que mi hija no se quedaria en su salon de clases, o lloraria por ejarla mi sopresa fue lo contrario, su expresion fue darme un besos decirme "Mami yo me portare bien, soy una niña valiente", la que estaba casi que le salia una lagrima de los ojos era lo mio en dejar a mi pequeña en el salon, es la primera vez que ella y yo estamos lejos, ya que por gracia esta plataforma, he podido ver a mi hija crecer, estar muy cerca de ella pendiente de cada cosa.


Sus clases por ser el primer dia hasta las 10 de la mañana, para mis la horas fueron demasiadas largas, pendiente del reloj de ir a buscar a mi hija, he estado ausente porque aun estoy tratandome de organizar, entre las clases de mi hija y estar en la plataforma pero se que saldre adelante, poder estar bien en este nuevo reto en mi vida junto a mi hija, dare lo mejor de mi.


Aqui estan las fotos del primer dia de clases de mi hija:







Daniela's First Day of Preschool Classes

Grateful to the platform, because through it I was able to buy school supplies, clothing and shoes for my daughter, all the expenses that are related to her education. Her first day of school was exciting for both her and me.

The day before I talked to her about a new adventure that she was going to see in her life, which was education, where she would learn new things, she would have new friends, a teacher who would guide her during her journey, my daughter was happy because she would have new friends, She has grown up with older people, sharing very little with children her age. The next morning she got up early, showered, had breakfast, and helped get dressed.


She was very happy, she asked me what the room would be like, and her new friends. Inside me I believed that my daughter would not stay in her classroom, or she would cry to leave her, my surprise was the opposite, her expression was to give me a kiss and say "Mommy, I will behave myself, I am a brave girl", which was almost that a tear came out of her eyes it was my thing to leave my little girl in the living room, it is the first time that she and I are far away, because thanks to this platform, I have been able to see my daughter grow up, being very close to she pays attention to everything.


Her classes for being the first day until 10 in the morning, for me the hours were too long, pending the clock to go look for my daughter, I have been absent because I am still trying to organize myself, between my daughter's classes and to be on the platform but I know that I will get ahead, to be able to be well in this new challenge in my life with my daughter, I will give my best.


Here are the photos of my daughter's first day of school:







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