Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain basics

Blockchain is a system for keeping information integrated across numerous independent stakeholders without relying on central authorities. It allows individuals and groups of organizations, both related and unrelated, to share and reconcile information through an agreed-upon single collection of data. It’s beneficial for tracking financial assets.

Members of Blockchain share information globally through its software. As individuals or organizations send and spend money or crypto, the transaction information gets loaded onto the blockchain system. This information is then grouped into “blocks” for authentication. Blockchain uses a peer-to-peer process where voting occurs through associated computers. This process aims to establish each block’s validity and then accept or reject the information within the block.

It happens on regular schedules with minutes or even seconds between each block authentication. Every block of information added to the system goes through the validation process. Accepted blocks get attached to the blockchain systems’ collection of validated information blocks. Rejected blocks get discarded. Blockchain gets its name from chaining blocks of information together.

Cryptographic functions are used for connecting the information blocks on each network-connected computer. Transactions that get altered by hackers become easier to notice if transactions get changed in any way. Cryptography is a computerized way of decoding and encoding information to keep it protected from hackers. Therefore each block is confirmed as valid by the entire network before being added to the blockchain.

The only way to edit any information in the blockchain would be to independently change every computer system’s information in the blockchain system. This means it’s virtually impossible to hack and alter a transaction’s history once validated and added to the blockchain network.


What are the benefits?

In the cryptocurrency industry, transparency is currently a big issue. Organizations try to improve transparency by implementing more regulations and rules over financial transactions. Centralization lowers transparency. Keeping the blockchain on a peer-to-peer voting system stops it from becoming ruled by one authority and keeps its information transparent.

Peers are not forced to partake in every consensus method but rather free to choose which validation processes they would like to participate in. Blockchain is so transparent that even governments use it to build strategies and conduct polls. It uses advanced security measures compared to other record-keeping platforms that are available.

Each valid block stored on the chain has an encrypted link to the original transaction through hashing methods. Hashing scrambles plain text into a unique message and cannot be reversed. Hackers can’t use hashed files as there is no way to unscramble the message back into plain text.

Utilizing the platform is free opposed to paying a third party to gather the same information. The process is also quicker as less interaction is needed. Companies can use blockchain to create traceable supply chains that work with suppliers and vendors. Every party involved in a supply chain can trace commodities. It’s protecting against misuse or replacement. It also improves trust levels between parties by automating processes and eradicating human-based mistakes.

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