Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology





Everyworld is an exclusive airdropp supported by Binance with a sum of mind-blowing $60M and also engage in testnet running.

Having a closest rival trading at $3B MCAP, so try to key in as it is as it has a huge whooping amount of close $ 8,500 returns.

Now, let's get to how to participate in this airdropp testnet:

Guides will be with screenshots for easy assimilation and understanding :

To get started go to discord and open this link 

2/ Open the Everyworld Discord server

1- Head to the #general channel;
2- Type "/join-tree" (without quotes), enter "XXXXX" in the box and send the message to receive your first 1000 points.
Where XXXXX is your invitation code

3- Go to

  • Click on "Log In" and connect your Discord account in the settings section
  • Enter your email, choose country you belong, tick the agreement checkbox and press "Continue" to proceed on.

4- On the

  • Tap directly on "Add Twitter" and get it connected to the app

  • Scroll down and connect your wallet as well

  • Press "Verify" and complete the verification.
    If you like, you can skip the verification for now and come back to it later in order to be fast as you can.

5- Open the Everyworld Discord server

  • Head to the #earn channel;

  • Type "/earn" don't use code and send it

💡You can repeat this step for like 5 minutes to get more enormous points on it.

6- On the Everyworld Discord server

  • Head to the #quests channel;
  • Complete the available social tasks by tapping on Get Points as shown in the discord

7-On the Everyworld Discord server

-You can also type "/play" (note that it is without quotes ) in the #general channel though that particular command is temporary closed

So that is all as regards this farming airdropp, the good part of it is that you don't need to farm it with your Twitter account as twitter seems to be getting issues with account used for airdropp farming

I hope this is well explanatory enough with illustrations to everyone that is interested in farming $EVERY airdropp on discord server as it is.
SCREENSHOTS WERE TAKEN WITH REDMI CLASSIC DEVICE LIKE IT SHOWS, Thanks for following up to this juncture and happy Blogging on

Cross-posted From my Blurt Account

1258.223 SRY$0.00
