Serey is utilizing Blockchain technology

A Motivational Post as regards Farming Points on Most Crypto Space Airdropps



When a car race is set,you are number 331,175 in the car race,which implies you are no where close to the finish line in the race

That implies position on Crypto wallet waitlist. So if the company want to reward,it will start from 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and so on. Till it gets to the so called number 331,175

So next time,when an opportunity is offered to you,run with it as fast as u can.

Our Facebook is just wasting usage is wasting most people don't know people are making MILLIONS daily via their Facebook with their smart phone such as Ads and others.

You can set up a Facebook ads,monitize it,make it print money for you daily by sharing financial informations

Most smart phone users don't know the power of that smart phone carrying around.
Visit crypto groups,join as many as you can

Primary six, secondary school dropouts most of them are skit makers on Facebook, making MILLIONS OF dollars daily through their skits making and content making or even affiliate marketing.


While you that is carrying certificate forming white collar jobs, deceiving yourself can't make what this skit guys are making in a month even with no certificates.

Or should talk of those into freelancing Jobs,those into affiliate marketing, YouTubers, content creators
This guys are making MILLIONS daily.

If an popular skit maker with no formal education say a word foolish on his Instagram, millions of Naira will be made just through his viewers and fans.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and blind imitation a common say those days educational elites will say ,give 70% attention to your academy and 30% to your social life.

Today,the creative industry is money making industry now like the opposite of this common say.


You are not a shadow of yourself, bring the potential in you.

The world is waiting for you,it waited for martin Luther king,and he arrived,it waited for William Shakespeares and he gave the gift of literature,we all have something the world needs, don't be spectator or a passenger in the business creative world

Do you need more breaking information?
Top 6 richest men in the world are all dropout
and that's because they believe there is something they can offer to the world

And the most pen robbers are the certificate holder's working in slave industry,his mindset will be to steal to meet up through fraudulent activities.

Take a look at bankers during that cashless facility era in Nigeria last year how dey stole from customers accounts,how they were selling Naira and then you grab what is being discussed in the paragraphs.

Everyone has its own area of expertise and intelligence one way or the other try to bring out that hidden potential and shock everyone around you and beyond. Never set your as slave for anyone to take unnecessary advantage of you.

The Olden financial institutions of this world as they say utilized CBN to enslave man through the use of paper money. But one man changed the narrative,the person of Satoshi Nakamoto, inventor of Blockchain technology we see today

Giving power average earners a little bit. Never limit yourself of your success,those doing it no get 10heads.

The tools required are there for you to succeed,all you need in mentoring, invest time in yourself,be proactive


If you follow crowd you may end in a bush and loose opportunities.

Go to TikTok see how people are making MILLIONS,dey will wake up one morning and throw trash on their page,those views and comments makes them millions of hard currencies.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and slave masters,be creative,pray always to the creator for more wisdom to excel in your choosing Gift and be creative enough with it.
Keep Blogging and You will Rise above the Sky limits

Cross-posted from Blurt account

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